So I'm here in sunny Florida. I'll be staying until April. After that I'll be what is called a "snowbird"
as I will be traveling back and forth between FL and New England for the warm season there and
spend the cold season in FL. I'm not sure why I'm doing this. Part of it is that my daughter and
grandchildren live in FL and part of it that the terrible cold of New England during the winter
months is much harder as one ages. And if there are any circulatory conditions as well things are
even more difficult. But traveling back and forth is also hard as one ages. In my humble opinion
it's only good for a few years 5-8 after retirement and by the age of 72 or so one should probably stop and choose one or the other, but for a few years it's good. Part of my family lives
here and part lives in the north. So what do I do. I sincerely hope I don't live too long. I don't
want to need home care or nursing home care or too much assistance from HHA, or visiting nurses.
Of course what I want will not be the deciding factor, but I am thinking of stockpiling a few
bottles of sleeping pills so that one day I may just take a permanent nap. That can't be too bad. I
do have to plan for my kitties though. I don't think I should get anymore and I should make some arrangements in my will for their care. No one cares about my animals the way I do and I imagine
that is pretty much the same thing for ones children, but people will sometimes take in children
who aren't related and sometimes they will take in pets, but maybe only one or 2 - I have 4 and
I go nuts every time I see a stray cat or kitten (especially a kitten). Sometimes they come to my
door for food and sometimes I see them darting under structures in the cold winters or hot summers.
It tears me apart to not help so I end up feeding the ones I can't take in. No animals should live on
the streets and no animals or people should be starving or begging for food - but sadly it happens.