Well Christmas is near, most of my shopping is done - all but my SO. I'll have to come up with something for him. I gave him a gift certificate once, but he never used it. So my money was wasted, but I didn't make an issue of it. I have Elle to thank for giving me ideas for gifts that I could order online and have them delivered. I don't have to bring the gifts with me when I visit her for Christmas this year.
For the last year or 2 my friend and I have been working on renovating first my mother's house then my house after I moved into my mother's. We are about 97% finished; when it's ready I'll put the house on the market and hope it sells quickly. I have some bills to pay for the renovations and more. We have just a few things to clear from the basement and that's all. I hope it sells quickly. It does look nice and I certainly wouldn't mind living in it, so I think someone should like it enough to buy it.
The only thing wrong is that we're driving to FL. which is tedious, but these days if one isn't very wealthy, flying is expensive and not very pleasant either. Oh well those are the only choices I guess - driving or flying.
My daughter and granddaughter are now involved with the sport of horse-back riding. They both seem to love it. Many years ago I saw an episode of one of those evening news magazine shows that was about little girls and horses. It seems that girls much more than boys love the big horses and love being able to manage the huge animals without fear. And the horses (according to this program) liked the girls more than the boys, though I don't remember why or how they
figured that out. I do have a picture of my granddaughter riding a horse and
leaning forward with her arms around the horse's neck - hugging him. He
seems to be enjoying it to.

Musings of a retired nurse, mother of one and grandmother of 3. Doing some part time work editing papers and writing stories. I Worked 34 years mostly in L&D and newborn special care, taught childbirth education classes, and worked with the VNA and did home fetal monitoring for high risk patients. I feel privileged to have shared such wonderful and private moments with so many families. I do miss the work that I did, but not the stress I experienced so often.
Famous Seamus

Love that belly
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Random Thoughts
In my writing group today we discussed the timely topic of World Peace day, which is today or actually yesterday since it is now after midnight. It was also my granddaughter's birthday and she is now 12 which has been dubbed the tweens. Her name is Lily and I love her very much and miss her because she lives 1500 miles from me. I'm hoping to visit them at Christmas, but if I do go I'm not allowed to tell the kids I'm coming (my daughter's rule). She wants them to be surprised. She doesn't want them to nag her for 4 weeks about when gramma is
coming - over and over. So I will try to comply, but some-times I slip. My other 2 grandkids also will be very happy to see me. They love having grandparents. They are also close to Lily's age 12 and 13 (soon to be 14). They were adopted so of course there ages are not what one would have with biological grandchildren. I love them of course. I don't get to FL often. It's just a lot of planning either a
very long drive, or a flight and all the planning that takes. I like to fly, the details
associated with that are tedious. But it will be good to see them all.
coming - over and over. So I will try to comply, but some-times I slip. My other 2 grandkids also will be very happy to see me. They love having grandparents. They are also close to Lily's age 12 and 13 (soon to be 14). They were adopted so of course there ages are not what one would have with biological grandchildren. I love them of course. I don't get to FL often. It's just a lot of planning either a
very long drive, or a flight and all the planning that takes. I like to fly, the details
associated with that are tedious. But it will be good to see them all.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Talking to the Radio
I admit it!! I talk to my car radio, or to the people inside the little electronic device. Of course I know they can't hear me, but I just have to let some of that anger out. I had to stop listening to Rush Limbaugh because I was afraid I'd catch his ignorance. Of course I only listened twice - that was enough for me and it included a fair amount of yelling at the radio.
Most of the time I listen to CPTV in CT and NPR International programs that are aired on my local public radio station. They seem to present the most objective reports. I listen to music stations when I've had enough serious stuff for awhile.
It's not that I don't want to hear people who disagree with me. I don't mind a give and take, but I find with conservatives and rednecks (you know who you are) there is only take. They take all the time for conversation, and they are usually loud and obnoxious , and will not listen to anyone who disagrees with them.. My mother-in-law was from the south, republican, and set in her ways, but she on ocasion would at least listen to another view, but the rest of her family would only shout out stupid stuff about guns, hunting and hurting animals etc and political differences. These topics were serious to me, and a big joke to them. I happen to be liberal though when I met them I just thought I was normal and they were strange. They were a little strange especially in the area of humor.
Most of what they laughed at struck me as some kind of atrocity or inhumane treatment of animals and certainly not funny. But what drove me crazy was that I would sit politely and not interrupt waiting patiently for my turn to speak. When that happened, I didn't get to say much before being interrupted repeatedly.
They were very loud and didn't know how to listen. Coming from a Catholic education with nuns who made us keep silent during class, especially when another student or the teacher was speaking, I found their behavior repulsive. The idea about having a conversation in which one says something politely and then gives the floor to someone else and remains quiet while that person speaks was a totally foreign concept to them. My inlaws had never heard of this form of conversation. For them it was the loudest, biggest mouthed, and most long-winded who held the floor as long as he could and felt free to interrupt when it wasn't his turn. I say "his" because it was the men more than the women who were like that: loud, interrupting and rude that is. When all the guys went outside to play some sport the ladies were much better behaved allowing the give and take more easily. My mother-in-law did tell me once that they only did that to me because they
enjoyed seeing me get angry and frustrated with them. And that I did.
So back to the radio thing: when I'm listening to something exciting or far right about something like gun control I have to speak quickly or I'll lose my turn as has happened to me many times years ago (guess I'm still scarred). The good thing about talking to the radio is that one doesn't really get interrupted. If the speaker continues while I'm trying to make a point I can turn the volume down and speak to the ghosts in my car or the people on the radio. I know they don't hear me, I don't care. It just feels good to let it out. Once or twice I've had to stop to write down a thought or 2 that I don't want to forget, and once or twice I sent an email to the station giving them my opinion even though they didn't ask for it.
Email has made things like "letters to the editor", or comments to tv and radiio news programs so much easier than years ago when we had to find the addresses, and the proper salutation depending on the person's role or title. Even writing to a senator is easy now, and I have done it a few times. I'm not sure if anyone listens any better than the radio does, but I still send my opinions.
I do think, though that if one wants unbiased news that is relevant and current, NPR is the way to go, though it may be a tad liberal. But liberal is why we get to hear both sides. Conservatives seem only to want to hear their own side at least that is my experience with them, and they are more fear oriented rather than concern for what is safe, moral, fair, necessary and under whose jurisdiction it lies. And writing my blog is the only way I could ever get the last word with a group of conservatives.
Most of the time I listen to CPTV in CT and NPR International programs that are aired on my local public radio station. They seem to present the most objective reports. I listen to music stations when I've had enough serious stuff for awhile.
It's not that I don't want to hear people who disagree with me. I don't mind a give and take, but I find with conservatives and rednecks (you know who you are) there is only take. They take all the time for conversation, and they are usually loud and obnoxious , and will not listen to anyone who disagrees with them.. My mother-in-law was from the south, republican, and set in her ways, but she on ocasion would at least listen to another view, but the rest of her family would only shout out stupid stuff about guns, hunting and hurting animals etc and political differences. These topics were serious to me, and a big joke to them. I happen to be liberal though when I met them I just thought I was normal and they were strange. They were a little strange especially in the area of humor.
Most of what they laughed at struck me as some kind of atrocity or inhumane treatment of animals and certainly not funny. But what drove me crazy was that I would sit politely and not interrupt waiting patiently for my turn to speak. When that happened, I didn't get to say much before being interrupted repeatedly.
They were very loud and didn't know how to listen. Coming from a Catholic education with nuns who made us keep silent during class, especially when another student or the teacher was speaking, I found their behavior repulsive. The idea about having a conversation in which one says something politely and then gives the floor to someone else and remains quiet while that person speaks was a totally foreign concept to them. My inlaws had never heard of this form of conversation. For them it was the loudest, biggest mouthed, and most long-winded who held the floor as long as he could and felt free to interrupt when it wasn't his turn. I say "his" because it was the men more than the women who were like that: loud, interrupting and rude that is. When all the guys went outside to play some sport the ladies were much better behaved allowing the give and take more easily. My mother-in-law did tell me once that they only did that to me because they
enjoyed seeing me get angry and frustrated with them. And that I did.
So back to the radio thing: when I'm listening to something exciting or far right about something like gun control I have to speak quickly or I'll lose my turn as has happened to me many times years ago (guess I'm still scarred). The good thing about talking to the radio is that one doesn't really get interrupted. If the speaker continues while I'm trying to make a point I can turn the volume down and speak to the ghosts in my car or the people on the radio. I know they don't hear me, I don't care. It just feels good to let it out. Once or twice I've had to stop to write down a thought or 2 that I don't want to forget, and once or twice I sent an email to the station giving them my opinion even though they didn't ask for it.
Email has made things like "letters to the editor", or comments to tv and radiio news programs so much easier than years ago when we had to find the addresses, and the proper salutation depending on the person's role or title. Even writing to a senator is easy now, and I have done it a few times. I'm not sure if anyone listens any better than the radio does, but I still send my opinions.
I do think, though that if one wants unbiased news that is relevant and current, NPR is the way to go, though it may be a tad liberal. But liberal is why we get to hear both sides. Conservatives seem only to want to hear their own side at least that is my experience with them, and they are more fear oriented rather than concern for what is safe, moral, fair, necessary and under whose jurisdiction it lies. And writing my blog is the only way I could ever get the last word with a group of conservatives.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Skunks, Hurricanes and Politics
Here I am back at the blog. It's late and I'm tired and ready to go to sleep. A skunk just sprayed my yard and with the windows open the atmosphere is not so good. I looked out and saw him and yelled "bad skunk, no no no" and he ran under the shed. I really didn't want to scare him, but I really didn't want to smell skunk spray either. Maybe it will rain and wash away the spray.
I've also been watching the weather forecasts about Hurricane Isaac. He's making mischief in FL where my daughter lives. It's also the site for the Republican convention, but I sort of hope a hurricane hits them. Not nice, I know, but I get so frustrated with the narrow minded thinking, and their hostility toward women. They want to control women and have a blast for themselves. I don't like that and I don't like them. Ooops can you guess that I'm a liberal?? I think we need some major changes in the way our government works. For example we should get rid of the electoral college and the idea that one vote can carry a whole state such as FL where they're so incompetent that they can't even count the votes right. Another change is that the House of Rep. needs to be watched. On Sixty Minutes they explained their health program (totally free), their lifetime parking places even if they only serve one term. And that they have some kind of special pension plan that they receive even if they end up in jail for crimes like taking bribes. Sure they suffer embarrassment, but the pension eases the pain considerably. Of course there are more examples, but the point is that as long as the inmates (ie congresssmen) can control stuff like that they have no incentive to do things right. The senators and the reps. also receive full salary even if they miss more than half of the sessions. Of course none of this is new, but it does bother me. I wonder how many people in America actually know that George Bush Jr. lost the popular vote, meaning that more people voted for Al Gore than for Bush, but because of the electoral college he lost the election. Admittedly that doesn't happen very often, but once is too much in a country that considers itself a democracy where voting is a sacred privilege and a responsibility. The reason for the Electoral College no longer exists. It should be eliminated. The points and the winner take all should only apply to the votes, not to carrying the state. And if you don't know what this is all about as you read this, you should take the time to study it, online is easiest, but the libraries have the info too. I hope we can have a fair election this time.
I've also been watching the weather forecasts about Hurricane Isaac. He's making mischief in FL where my daughter lives. It's also the site for the Republican convention, but I sort of hope a hurricane hits them. Not nice, I know, but I get so frustrated with the narrow minded thinking, and their hostility toward women. They want to control women and have a blast for themselves. I don't like that and I don't like them. Ooops can you guess that I'm a liberal?? I think we need some major changes in the way our government works. For example we should get rid of the electoral college and the idea that one vote can carry a whole state such as FL where they're so incompetent that they can't even count the votes right. Another change is that the House of Rep. needs to be watched. On Sixty Minutes they explained their health program (totally free), their lifetime parking places even if they only serve one term. And that they have some kind of special pension plan that they receive even if they end up in jail for crimes like taking bribes. Sure they suffer embarrassment, but the pension eases the pain considerably. Of course there are more examples, but the point is that as long as the inmates (ie congresssmen) can control stuff like that they have no incentive to do things right. The senators and the reps. also receive full salary even if they miss more than half of the sessions. Of course none of this is new, but it does bother me. I wonder how many people in America actually know that George Bush Jr. lost the popular vote, meaning that more people voted for Al Gore than for Bush, but because of the electoral college he lost the election. Admittedly that doesn't happen very often, but once is too much in a country that considers itself a democracy where voting is a sacred privilege and a responsibility. The reason for the Electoral College no longer exists. It should be eliminated. The points and the winner take all should only apply to the votes, not to carrying the state. And if you don't know what this is all about as you read this, you should take the time to study it, online is easiest, but the libraries have the info too. I hope we can have a fair election this time.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Faith, Trust and Fear
After the recent shooting in a Colorado movie theater there have been 2 more. Fewer people died in the last 2 so there was less media coverage, but it still seems sad and depressing that one is safe no where. In the past 10 years or so there have been shootings at shopping malls, on military bases, fast food places and schools. It does seem that the world is crazy, and those of us who are sane will be slaughtered by the maniacs or end up hiding for the rest of our lives . Maybe that's extreme, and I'm not totally serious about it, but sometimes it feels that way. I have never been personally involved in any kind of violent crime - victim or observer (small things like a billfold stolen or my car scratched and once my purse was stolen right from my kitchen). I don't know how I'd handle it, but I like to think that along with the terror one feels automatically, I would also try to help anyone near me. Of course I'm not a hero, and I wouldn't want to lose my life trying to be one. But it's the stories of previous shootings and examples of many good people who helped others that inspire me and make me wonder if I could do the right thing. I hope I would be able to help rather than freeze. As a nurse and mother and grandmother I can (and frequently have) put other's needs ahead of my own, but could I do it when someone is shooting at me? I really don't know, but I think it's good to think about this topic when things are calm and even formulate a plan such as hide, call 911 or play dead. And in keeping with my own superstition about bad things i.e. as long as one is prepared for an emergency or crisis it never happens to that person I am trying to consider this subject and be prepared. This seems to work for me to the extent that even my daughter believes in that philosophy. But we have never had our lives threatened, and though I
pray that never happens I still don't really know how I would react. I wonder if anyone does.
I do know one thing. The world we live in requires vigilance, strength, moral behavior, awareness of our surroundings and more. We also need to be brave and protect anyone who needs it if possible but most importantly children, elderly and handicapped. We all know this instinctively, but we need to think about it and formulate a plan - at least in our minds. I've been thinking about this subject a lot recently; unfortunately I can't seem to stop thinking about it. Though I don't believe in organized religion, I do believe in God, and it is also my hope that when needed He will be there to guide us out of harms way. Or is that a guardian angel? However my observations cause me to think that doesn't actually happen. If I survive and the woman next to me dies, and if she is a close friend or relative what does all that mean. Was he there or not? Why does one live and one die for no apparent reason? How do we prevent this from happening? A lot of people seem to have opinions, but few answers.
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Reading the Comics Section
I have always loved to read - nearly everything except the sports section of the news papers. When I was young I read signs, comic books, short stories, magazines, cereal boxes, even labels on food and clothing and even the fine print on documents that my parents left hanging around or needed my excellent near-vision to decipher (both parents wore glasses as do I now, with bifocals). I am a person who waits patiently for appointments, service, airplane arrivals and departures and other events and activities occ . I always arrive early to wherever I'm going and read until the appropriate time. Most people don't notice me sitting there with my books or papers and so on occasion I am overlooked when it's my turn requiring me to then wait a little longer. I don't get angry, just pull out something to read again. I try to always have reading material with me especially small books and magazines like Reader's Digest that fit in my purse.
One thing I have always enjoyed since childhood is the comic's section in the newspapers and magazines. My father would get so annoyed with me for grabbing the comics section from him. When he started to give me and my sisters a weekly allowance (it was a weak allowance as well) I would sometimes buy Archie comic books (if I still had them they might be worth significant money today). I credit them with igniting my interest and pleasure in reading. But then I got old enough to go to the library by myself. It was near my school to and from which I walked so I would stop in after school and get 2 books. In those days they had a 2 book and 2 week limit with one renewal allowed. Sometimes I'd bring them back in a few days, if they were thick books a bit longer. I have to admit that my mother didn't supervise me much in that area and assumed all the book reading was an assignment for a book report or something. Usually it wasn't, but on those occasions when we were assigned a book report , I was ready before everyone else.
Is there a downside to all this reading? Yes, but not everyone who reads a lot will run into the downside part as I did. Of course the first thing is that it interfered with was homework assignments, as sometimes I didn't get homework assignments completed because I read too long into the evening or they were done in a shoddy, hurry-up manner. Another downside was that I became a rather introverted person with few friends other than my books. I did venture away from the comic books as I became more engrossed in the library books, but discovered daydreaming as a pastime. I became lost in some of the scenarios to the exclusion of outdoor activities. I don't know how detrimental that might have been because I wasn't overweight then. I was a skinny kid and never learned to play any sports and only had a few friends. The friend issue may have been affected
by frequent moves. We never stayed in the same school more than 2 years until we moved to CT and then grades 6,7& 8 were in the same school and my 4 years in HS were in the same school.
In my last year of high school I learned the joy of writing. My teachers were good, but didn't encourage creative writing only reports, and research etc. I first started a journal that same year though I didn't write regularly - just when I had a problem or was unhappy about something.
I have continued to read the Sunday, and daily comics (my guilty pleasure), and I am
sometimes teased about it. I am not impressed by the criticism or cleaver , negative comments. I see it as an entertainment with benefits. What are the benefits of reading comics? Well for one thing laughter which is a healthy activity that helps alleviate stress (temporarily - I know), encourages a sense of humor, presents different viewpoints and allows us to laugh at ourselves. For children it may entertain them, encourage a love of reading and help introduce them to reading as a method of research. When they have questions they can search for the answers on line to satisfy their curiosity about almost anything and that of course does require reading. The important factor here is the parent needs to supervise the selections and the amount of time spent reading books, comics or online articles and stories and even research . Even into high school the parents should supervise the online activities of their children for safety reasons as well. Once in college they'll be on their own and hopefully will be able to make intelligent, safe choices.
But I will never disparage comic books or newspaper funnies. I think they serve a purpose and can be an adjunct to learning and understanding life. I do not however advocate any comic book with a violent theme for anyone. I'm more of a "Sally Forth" or "For Better or Worse" and "Doonesbury" type of comic strip or book. If your point of reading is to escape to pleasure island why read about murder etc?
One thing I have always enjoyed since childhood is the comic's section in the newspapers and magazines. My father would get so annoyed with me for grabbing the comics section from him. When he started to give me and my sisters a weekly allowance (it was a weak allowance as well) I would sometimes buy Archie comic books (if I still had them they might be worth significant money today). I credit them with igniting my interest and pleasure in reading. But then I got old enough to go to the library by myself. It was near my school to and from which I walked so I would stop in after school and get 2 books. In those days they had a 2 book and 2 week limit with one renewal allowed. Sometimes I'd bring them back in a few days, if they were thick books a bit longer. I have to admit that my mother didn't supervise me much in that area and assumed all the book reading was an assignment for a book report or something. Usually it wasn't, but on those occasions when we were assigned a book report , I was ready before everyone else.
Is there a downside to all this reading? Yes, but not everyone who reads a lot will run into the downside part as I did. Of course the first thing is that it interfered with was homework assignments, as sometimes I didn't get homework assignments completed because I read too long into the evening or they were done in a shoddy, hurry-up manner. Another downside was that I became a rather introverted person with few friends other than my books. I did venture away from the comic books as I became more engrossed in the library books, but discovered daydreaming as a pastime. I became lost in some of the scenarios to the exclusion of outdoor activities. I don't know how detrimental that might have been because I wasn't overweight then. I was a skinny kid and never learned to play any sports and only had a few friends. The friend issue may have been affected
by frequent moves. We never stayed in the same school more than 2 years until we moved to CT and then grades 6,7& 8 were in the same school and my 4 years in HS were in the same school.
In my last year of high school I learned the joy of writing. My teachers were good, but didn't encourage creative writing only reports, and research etc. I first started a journal that same year though I didn't write regularly - just when I had a problem or was unhappy about something.
I have continued to read the Sunday, and daily comics (my guilty pleasure), and I am
sometimes teased about it. I am not impressed by the criticism or cleaver , negative comments. I see it as an entertainment with benefits. What are the benefits of reading comics? Well for one thing laughter which is a healthy activity that helps alleviate stress (temporarily - I know), encourages a sense of humor, presents different viewpoints and allows us to laugh at ourselves. For children it may entertain them, encourage a love of reading and help introduce them to reading as a method of research. When they have questions they can search for the answers on line to satisfy their curiosity about almost anything and that of course does require reading. The important factor here is the parent needs to supervise the selections and the amount of time spent reading books, comics or online articles and stories and even research . Even into high school the parents should supervise the online activities of their children for safety reasons as well. Once in college they'll be on their own and hopefully will be able to make intelligent, safe choices.
But I will never disparage comic books or newspaper funnies. I think they serve a purpose and can be an adjunct to learning and understanding life. I do not however advocate any comic book with a violent theme for anyone. I'm more of a "Sally Forth" or "For Better or Worse" and "Doonesbury" type of comic strip or book. If your point of reading is to escape to pleasure island why read about murder etc?
Friday, July 20, 2012
Thoughts on a Tragedy
Sad tonight. I haven't had much time to write - recovering from minor surgery, still in the process of moving houses and taxes aren't done yet (filed for an extension). But felt the need to write.
Once again our nation was visited by evil - some might say insanity, or a personality disorder, and that may have an element of truth, but I think evil was the overriding condition. People who respect life: human and animal don't go around shooting people who have nothing to do with their troubles. Assault weapons are far too easy to obtain, and apparently to use, Though I don't imagine the relatives and friends of these victims will be reading my blog I do send healing wishes and prayers their way. Once again our nation is in mourning over a senseless tragedy. May God hold them and their families close and help them heal, and may those who lost their lives find peace and rest in the hereafter. No one deserves to die at the hands of a maniac. Nothing they could do to that person would be enough and it wouldn't bring the dead back either. So in the next few weeks remember the people who are close to you, show them your love, and be grateful for the ones who are still with you, and maybe it will become a habit. I wish everyone a safe night.
As I was reading the previous entry I realized that I hadn't mentioned a name or location associated with the above entry, but I think it was in response to the shooting at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut. More recently we had bombs (2 at least) explode at the Boston Marathon. Right now I can't remember the numbers, but several people were killed, some lost legs or an arm or were badly burned. I don't remember the numbers, but again innocent people who were challenging themselves to complete the race (I think it's about 26 miles) were killed or seriously injured. It did seem to bring out the best in the people who were there, even though people were running and screaming, many others stopped to help those who were injured. The fatalities were less, than Sandy Hook, but it was simply awful, senseless really. The 2 young men later identified as the perpetrators were brothers who seemed to like the US at some earlier time, but somewhere along the way became twisted, and I think evil and radicalized during a trip back home to Chechnya. I wonder why, if they hated us that much they didn't just stay in Chechnya. We wouldn't have objected (we meaning the citizens of the US). It scares mebecause this type of radical extremism is growing and spreading. They are angry with Americans and hate us because we don't follow or believe in their religion, though they are free to believe what they wish they don't want anyone else to have that freedom. It reminds me of the Crusades and the religious persecution during that era. One can follow the dictates of an oppressive religion and still not believe so what is gained by coercion? I think it's insanity, organized, oppressive insanity. As I am reading this again I had a different thought about the hatred that is being used to justify that which is unjustifiable. I think they hate us because we have a better life here in America then they have, and so they find ways to disrupt our lives and our peace. They use violence against children, women and even their own relatives at times. Their method is to produce the most deaths and destruction from one assault or simultaneous explosions in different areas (as Sept. 11,2000 showed us. I hope there is a God and that these mass murderers have to answer for what they did and are punished appropriately. I also hope the victims are there to see that.
Once again our nation was visited by evil - some might say insanity, or a personality disorder, and that may have an element of truth, but I think evil was the overriding condition. People who respect life: human and animal don't go around shooting people who have nothing to do with their troubles. Assault weapons are far too easy to obtain, and apparently to use, Though I don't imagine the relatives and friends of these victims will be reading my blog I do send healing wishes and prayers their way. Once again our nation is in mourning over a senseless tragedy. May God hold them and their families close and help them heal, and may those who lost their lives find peace and rest in the hereafter. No one deserves to die at the hands of a maniac. Nothing they could do to that person would be enough and it wouldn't bring the dead back either. So in the next few weeks remember the people who are close to you, show them your love, and be grateful for the ones who are still with you, and maybe it will become a habit. I wish everyone a safe night.
As I was reading the previous entry I realized that I hadn't mentioned a name or location associated with the above entry, but I think it was in response to the shooting at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut. More recently we had bombs (2 at least) explode at the Boston Marathon. Right now I can't remember the numbers, but several people were killed, some lost legs or an arm or were badly burned. I don't remember the numbers, but again innocent people who were challenging themselves to complete the race (I think it's about 26 miles) were killed or seriously injured. It did seem to bring out the best in the people who were there, even though people were running and screaming, many others stopped to help those who were injured. The fatalities were less, than Sandy Hook, but it was simply awful, senseless really. The 2 young men later identified as the perpetrators were brothers who seemed to like the US at some earlier time, but somewhere along the way became twisted, and I think evil and radicalized during a trip back home to Chechnya. I wonder why, if they hated us that much they didn't just stay in Chechnya. We wouldn't have objected (we meaning the citizens of the US). It scares mebecause this type of radical extremism is growing and spreading. They are angry with Americans and hate us because we don't follow or believe in their religion, though they are free to believe what they wish they don't want anyone else to have that freedom. It reminds me of the Crusades and the religious persecution during that era. One can follow the dictates of an oppressive religion and still not believe so what is gained by coercion? I think it's insanity, organized, oppressive insanity. As I am reading this again I had a different thought about the hatred that is being used to justify that which is unjustifiable. I think they hate us because we have a better life here in America then they have, and so they find ways to disrupt our lives and our peace. They use violence against children, women and even their own relatives at times. Their method is to produce the most deaths and destruction from one assault or simultaneous explosions in different areas (as Sept. 11,2000 showed us. I hope there is a God and that these mass murderers have to answer for what they did and are punished appropriately. I also hope the victims are there to see that.
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Computer Virus
I'm dealing with another wiped hard drive. My passwords are gone, my favorite web sites are missing. It is especially difficult with bill paying and online banking. I love computers, but I sometimes wonder if it's worth it. The last time this happened some of my bills were late because I couldn't get online to pay them. Discover card was nice and removed the fine, others not so much in the understanding dept. All of my problems were caused by a virus or worm, maybe a worm who had a virus. I don't know for sure. I do know that I hate these people who do this with their brilliant minds. They are smart enough to make money with their expertise, but instead they use it to wreak havoc on people they don't even know. I have never done anything evil with my computer. I shop, read, pay bills, keep a calendar, and store books on my Kindle, and keep a medical history for myself and I kept one for my mother before she died. So why am I running into these evil people who create these viruses? I don't know. It could be just bad luck, but it still goes back to the evil person who devised the malware that ruined my computer. Well I guess I just have to get over this, because I don't know what else I can do. But it has cost me a good deal of money so far. And I'm not wealthy. I wish everyone a safe internet.
Addendum: Since writing this nothing more has happened to my computer. I'm getting my bills paid, but some of my programs are working a little funny. Maybe it's operator malfunction. Who knows?
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Demanding kitties
I have a cat, named Seamus who reminds me of a mildly demanding 2 year old. He is a reddish tabby cat, with bull's eyes on his sides and a white belly. He's about 10 years old. I think he hates my computer, or he's jealous years of it. Every time I open my laptop and sit in a comfy chair with the computer on my lap (where else would I put a lap top?), he starts. He rubs against my legs first, then he sits and stairs at me for a bit, then he stands on his hind legs and pokes me and peeks around the screen of the computer. If I continue to ignore him because I'm deep in reading or shopping, he then stands on his hind legs and grabs the screen from the back, but I get crazy then, afraid that he'll poke a hole in the soft screen. So of course I close it or leave it open by put it down on a small table. As soon as my hands are free what does he do? He walks out of the room. As soon as I go back to the computer he comes back, and it starts again. Sometimes he stays in the room and just stares at me. "Please talk to me, take me outside, feed me something (his bowl of dry food is almost in front of him). I'm lonely!!!!" But again as soon as I put the computer down he walks away. Sometimes I do take him out (he's not allowed out alone - none of my cats are), but he's never ready to come back inside when I am. If he weren't the cutest, sweetest and most gentle cat I know (well my other 2 cats are right up there with him), I wouldn't let him get away with stuff, but he is, and he does. He also likes to sit in my lap which is good for my blood pressure I think. Unlike a baby, I can't seem to get him to go down for a nap when I'm on the computer. But he is company and playful, and he rules me with a heavy paw. I have more cats to write about and will get to that in the next few weeks - or not. Enjoy the nice weather.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
My Working Holiday
I haven't blogged in a long time. I stayed with my daughter's family for almost 3 months ( in divided doses) while she finished her last semester toward her BS in Social Work. I've missed writing here, but continued writing in my journal. I was sort of a nanny, cook, chauffeur and at times a referee (babysitting kids who are far from babies). It was a major change or advernture for me, and I did feel homesick at times. I learned a lot: for example I know why I only had one child, don't argue with kids - just lay the law down, when all else fails call Mom (their mom) and request further instructions or at least back up and last - never, absolutely never, tell the kids what the plans are for some future activity. They will drive you to insanity if you let them know stuff like that. Other things were more simple such as don't let stray cats in the house, and if you break this rule at least keep an eye on the intruder especially if she knows how to open doors. That was one smart kitty. And if the bunny, Penelope (I call her Bun Bun) runs up to you, it's not because you're her favorite---she's hungry because someone forgot to feed her (probably me).
I learned a few new recipes, but I don't like certain spices and the kids didn't like the ones I liked so we had a few problems trying to please everyone. I filled up on a hidden stash of junk food when the meal wasn't exactly to my liking. Eating out was a pretty good alternative as was occasional pizza.
Sleeping was a problem for me because a few days before I left for her house I hurt my right shoulder. I didn't have time to see a doctor so I waited until I came back to CT. I had to tough it out because my insurance wouldn't cover me out of state. I'm getting ready to change this to another company as soon I'm all healed. I think it's rotator cuff injury of some sort and after 9 weeks it has only improved slightly. Back to sleeping, The bed I slept in was a water bed and very comfortable. My neck and shoulder hurt most of the day, but at night it was twice as bad.
Sleeping pills or wine seemed to help a little.
My daughter has quite a group of animals at her home. From geckos, to cats, bunnies, birds and a tarantula (not my favorite, but I fed her a bug or 2 while there). Boredom was not a problem although tv was. You need 3 hands to operate the 3 remotes that control the tv. I did a lot of reading, which is good for me.
Now she is talking about going to school again to get her master's. That will be quite a process and quite an achievement - for both of us. If I win the lottery maybe I can pay someone else to handle all that stuff for me. That's a big maybe. I have to think about that. Don't really see that happening.
I learned a few new recipes, but I don't like certain spices and the kids didn't like the ones I liked so we had a few problems trying to please everyone. I filled up on a hidden stash of junk food when the meal wasn't exactly to my liking. Eating out was a pretty good alternative as was occasional pizza.
Sleeping was a problem for me because a few days before I left for her house I hurt my right shoulder. I didn't have time to see a doctor so I waited until I came back to CT. I had to tough it out because my insurance wouldn't cover me out of state. I'm getting ready to change this to another company as soon I'm all healed. I think it's rotator cuff injury of some sort and after 9 weeks it has only improved slightly. Back to sleeping, The bed I slept in was a water bed and very comfortable. My neck and shoulder hurt most of the day, but at night it was twice as bad.
Sleeping pills or wine seemed to help a little.
My daughter has quite a group of animals at her home. From geckos, to cats, bunnies, birds and a tarantula (not my favorite, but I fed her a bug or 2 while there). Boredom was not a problem although tv was. You need 3 hands to operate the 3 remotes that control the tv. I did a lot of reading, which is good for me.
Now she is talking about going to school again to get her master's. That will be quite a process and quite an achievement - for both of us. If I win the lottery maybe I can pay someone else to handle all that stuff for me. That's a big maybe. I have to think about that. Don't really see that happening.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Home now
Well I've been home for almost a week. I miss my daughter and grandchildren, but it is good to be home. My kitties are glad to see me. Giuseppe had terrible matted fur from not being brushed, but it wasn't Ian's fault. Mr. G as I sometimes call him is timid and wary of strangers and wouldn't even let Ian pet him. Maybe next time he'll remember him and be a little more friendly. Gail says she'll stop in and give him a comb or 2, but I think I'll get him shaved on his belly and sides before I leave. Prevention might be better than treatment.
I'm getting caught with some cleaning and fur removal. Long-haired cats are high maintenance. I only want short hair cats after this.
The flight home was ok. I did get a lot of reading done, and as always I love the take-off and landing. I love flying, not so much waiting in airports and getting up at 4 am.
Miss Chloe has been somewhat distant, but in the last 3 or 4 days she was more friendly, relaxed and purring. I'm still having computer problems - freezing and lost passwords. I do need to get a new computer, but I also need to wait until I have some income.
I have just signed up for Medicare - which will start in April, my pension will start in June. So things are looking up and actually going as planned. That last part doesn't happen very often.
We had a pinch of snow the other night which was pretty and then went away. That's the only kind of snow I like.
I still have more unpacking and finding places for everything. There doesn't seem to be enough places. Goodwill has become my partner in simplifying my life. Next entry I'll try to be more interesting.
I'm getting caught with some cleaning and fur removal. Long-haired cats are high maintenance. I only want short hair cats after this.
The flight home was ok. I did get a lot of reading done, and as always I love the take-off and landing. I love flying, not so much waiting in airports and getting up at 4 am.
Miss Chloe has been somewhat distant, but in the last 3 or 4 days she was more friendly, relaxed and purring. I'm still having computer problems - freezing and lost passwords. I do need to get a new computer, but I also need to wait until I have some income.
I have just signed up for Medicare - which will start in April, my pension will start in June. So things are looking up and actually going as planned. That last part doesn't happen very often.
We had a pinch of snow the other night which was pretty and then went away. That's the only kind of snow I like.
I still have more unpacking and finding places for everything. There doesn't seem to be enough places. Goodwill has become my partner in simplifying my life. Next entry I'll try to be more interesting.
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Visiting in FL.
I haven't been writing much because I've been visiting with my daughter and her family. I'm with her to help her through her last semester of school for a degree in social work. There is a genuine need for these services in FL and I think she'll be very good at this kind of work. I'll be leaving on Feb 4th and returning sometime near the end of March. I'm sort of a nanny for the kids. I take them to the school bus stop, pick them up, start dinner, do laundry and light housekeeping, but still I'm exhausted. I also feed and play with the animals: a cat, a bunny, a finch and 5 or 6 geckos. The bunny and cat are my favorites. There is also a stray or abandoned cat that arrived at her home just a few weeks before I arrived. She's a large black and white domestic short hair and very friendly and gentle and a little timid. I like her very much and am considering bringing her home with me after my last visit. I already have 3 cats so what's one more? I must be a little crazy. But it is obvious that she is a family cat and trusts and likes people. How she was separated from her family will most likely remain a secret for her lifetime and mine. Unless someone claims her sometime. She has no microchip or collar, but we did advertise on the message board in their development, but so far no takers.
Next time I'll tell you about my awful computer virus. Stay tuned.
Next time I'll tell you about my awful computer virus. Stay tuned.
Friday, January 6, 2012
Forming ones values and ethics
I have a little more serious topic tonight. Values and ethics.
I don't think I have consciously thought about my values Due to attending Catholic schools for 12 years I had my values assigned to me and was warned about hell if I didn't follow the rules and values set for me by the teachers and priests. But I think it is something I should think about and decide more independently. One should have values, and understand why they are important and understand why we sometimes don't pay attention to our own values and concerns, but to the pressure of others. It canbe a good thing if your values are flexible, but it can also make you wonder why you did or did not do something. We can live our lives listening to the voice inside or we can live them listening to the voices of others. It isn't necessarily bad to listen to others, but it is not as satisfying in the end. And when things go wrong there is no comfort in saying you were coerced or coaxed into doing something which does not feel right. In the end you and only you pay the price. This is a concept that is important to teach to kids so that as they become teens they have a sort of foundation of values. Yes teach the values, but teach how to arrive at them and sometimes let them see what happens when you don't follow your own code of ethics etc.
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