Famous Seamus

Famous Seamus
Love that belly

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Little Black Kitty

There is a little black and white tuxedo kitty in my neighborhood. A few weeks ago I invited him in and he's been coming to my home 2-3 times each day for a bite to eat and some love of course since then. But his behavior is puzzling because he's lovable and friendly inside, but afraid of me outside.I can't pick him up or pet him, but I can open my door and let him in. Once in he's a lap cat, purrs loudly, pushes his head into my hand when I pet him and eats the cat food I give him. He prefers the canned, pate, or ground. He doesn't like the little cubes of "meat" and if I serve that he licks up the sauce and then walks away. As a matter of fact so do my other cats. I must remember that when I'm shopping for cat food. Unfortunately I have several cans of the cubed stuff. Perhaps if I mash it with a fork he'll give it a try. But it seems that I shall have to remember those preferences next time I shop for cat food. Oh yes I have named this little kitty Timothy Cat or TC for short. Does that mean I have to keep him? I'm afraid so, a name is pretty final. On another topic: I raked and bagged 9 big trash bags of leaves (of course, what else would I rake?), and I'm tired and a little achey . I took some naproxin, and it just now beginning to kick in. Maybe I'll be able to sleep tonight for a change. Tomorrow is Halloween so I hope everyone (even those who don't read my blog) has a safe and happy evening. I'm looking forward to all the little kids. And yes, I did buy candy - Twix - more cookie and less candy.

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