Famous Seamus

Famous Seamus
Love that belly

Friday, November 6, 2015

Visiting FL

Well, I'm visiting my daughter again in FL.  Trying to help her out with a few things and visiting
with the kids who haven't had much time for me, but they're busy in school and I'm OK with that
as long as I get a few hugs and kisses once in a while.  I take the dog for walks and he seems to like
me if his display of excitement and craziness is an indication of his feelings for me.  I do like him.
I have cats and love them (all 4).  They are so cute, and such company, but they won't go for walks
with me - on or off leash.  Each seems to have a mind of his own (and my one female) and they
don't have any sense of obligation.  They think I'm staff brought in to attend to their needs and
wants (excepting baths - none of that please).

The weather here is quite nice: warm, sunny, light breezes, some rain which cools things nicely.
But it is more of a working vacation we have stuff to do for the lawn (HOA somewhat demanding
about the lawns, paint colors, driveway debris and so much more).  I would like to sell this house
and never see FL again, but my daughter is here and therein lies my dilemma.  So until I get too
old to travel I'll need it if I'm going to see her from time to time.

In this mobile world in which we live  many families share this dilemma with me, and I would
love to know how they work things out.  My daughter left CT for college in FL and never wanted
to return to CT except for short visits.  But when I see some friends or aquaintances whose
children are needy and costing them much money even after finishing school, or driving them
crazy with demands for child-care of their grandchildren, or in trouble with the law, or in poor
financial situations I realize that whatever I might complain about could be 10 times worse.  So
with that in mind I hold my thoughts and complaints and write about them in my journal and
somestimes here.

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