Famous Seamus

Famous Seamus
Love that belly

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Thanksgiving Musings

Hello friends.  Today is the day before Thanksgiving.  I woke up thinking it was Thanksgiving, and I was sad, because I will be alone on that day.  Of course I'm alone today except for my kitties and will be alone tomorrow.  It happens.  Sometimes I have too much company, too much noise and I worry about preparing the turkey and other elements of the  Thanksgiving holiday.  So I am alone today and will be tomorrow.  My sister is having her Thanksgiving dinner on Sunday because all of her guests have different times and agendas.  She hasn't invited me so I'm not sure if telling me when she would have the dinner is actually an invite or just info.  How do I figure that out?  If I thought anyone in my family would be reading this blog I'd be worried, but I don't think I need to worry about it.  I'm actually not sure anyone reads my writings.  I can only wish and pretend.  But to anyone who is reading this I wish you a happy Thanksgiving celebrated with many loved ones.  I'll just be with my 4 cats.  They love me because I feed them, brush them, pet them and sweettalk them.  When I've been out for a while and come home I sort of expect to see them all near the door and rubbing into my legs. But that doesn't happen either.  They look up at me and as if to say "it's only Linda" then turn away back to their naps or food dishes.  But I've learned not to expect much affection from them unless they are hungry or I'm in bed trying to sleep.  That's when they seem to come alive.  They do purr nicely though and that relaxes me somewhat.  It's just that I can't always get them on my bed or in my lap. I guess they have things to do, promises to keep, and miles to go before they sleep.  (I think that's from a Robert Frost poem that I love.)  Look it up sometime.  You will love it too.  The cats I'm not so sure about.  One kitty has just joined me on the couch as I type this.  He's pressed against my lap and taking a mini tongue bath.  He's purring loudly and I love that.  He looks up once in a while as though to say "What's up doc?"  and I pet him and he goes back to sleep. If you don't have a cat this is all pretty weird, but if you have a cat  or 2 you understand exactly what I'm saying.  Anyway stay safe and have ah happy Thanksgiving.

Only one more thing - if you are traveling today or tomorrow or the next day the traffic is usually awful on these days so stop frequently, and maybe spend an extra day in a motel to let the traffic dissapate.  That would be safer and more relaxing.

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