In November of last year I took my cats Yoshie and Seamus out for some outside play (on a leash). Without warning they were frightened by a loud noise from a motorcycle engine being revved up next door. It was very loud and both cats went running leashes and all in different directions. Yoshie managed to slip out of his and Seamus was at my feet with his still on. I picked him up because he was closer and brought him inside. Then I went back for Yoshie and he ran away as though he didn't know me. I went after him but I couldn't catch him. Over the next few days he came back every now and then and I would try to get him in. Each time he acted as though he didn't know me. One night at the front door next night at the back door.
I'd go outside (although each time he came my shoes were off or I was in my nightgown) as fast as I could, but he would run looking terrified. I don't think he knew me, yet he knew the house and he knew Seamus because he came back one time at the back door and Seamus must have sensed he was there because he went down and was looking out the door. When I followed Yoshie took one look at me and ran. That was the last time I ever saw him. I looked up and down all the nearby streets and called and talked to neighbors. But no luck. Sadly he was not microchipped and had no collar on. In about a month and a half it will be a year since he left. Why am I writing this now? Because I had an incident today that devasted me for about 10-15 minutes.
Earlier today after a late lunch I decided to take Seamus out. For the last 4 days he's been going out with me but without a leash or harness. He's been really good staying with me, rolling in the grass, purring, watching birds. When I sat in the swing for a few minutes he stretched out on the grass right near me and dozed a little. When I walked around he followed me or I followed him (mostly the latter). So I felt comfortable taking him out without a leash, plus we had moved and there were no motorcycles nearby. The ones on the road never bothered them anyway - just the one next door. I thought it would be just like it was yesterday. I opened the door standing right near him and as I was watching him step out he took off like a bat out of hell after a stray cat who visits the neighborhood for handouts. Of course I screamed and went running frantically after him whistling and calling for him. I followed him of course but couldn't catch up with him, then I couldn't see him at all. I was a wreck. My heart was in my throat. I went in the house briefly for a whistle, but couldn't find one. Back outside I continued to look for him and worried that I had lost another wonderful cat. You see Seamus is a special, orange tiger (some call them red tigers), lap cat, gentle, friendly, easy going. He was just one of the sweetest cats I've ever had. Tears were beginning to run down my face. I was going to call Larry to come and help me find him. But as I got close to the house he came sauntering up to me and no where near the last place I'd seen him. He came right to me and I immediately picked him up and cuddled him. Of course I told him he was a bad boy and he was never going out side again off leash. But my voice was soft and he didn't seem to realize he was being disciplined verbally. I brought him inside and gave him a stern talking to as he rubbed against my legs. Then I called Larry and told him what happened.
After what happened to Yoshie I was frantic that Seamus would follow suit. But thankfully he didn't. Which makes we wonder why Yoshie didn't come back or didn't come in when he saw me. How could he forget me? I had had him for about 7 years. What could have spooked him after the motorcycle was quiet? I'll never know, but I think he must be either in another home or dead. I wish I knew, or I wish I could believe he found another home, but I don't believe that. He was a gentle, timid little kitty, but afraid of visitors to my home (unlike Seamus) and ran when someone knocked. He liked Larry and Larry liked him too. He would sometimes get in his lap. But for everyone else he hid.
I don't think I can take Seamus out off leash any more. Today was a warning and I need to heed it.
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