The adventures of Chloe continue. Ever since we moved to this house my only female cat, Princess Chloe has been a royal pain. She screams, hisses, swats and runs away if I even look in her direction. She is a little better with me than with the boys (my 2 male cats). She screams at them if they get too close, look at her, touch her or even follow her a little. She's thinks everyone is out to get her. If I look in her direction and walk toward her she screams and then runs downstairs and hides where I can't quite reach her. And her screams are scary. She sounds like a banshee or witch or something famous for screaming such as Courtney Cox. An email friend told me about something called Feliway. I had my doubts, but ordered some online. It's not too expensive and cheaper than therapy (which her behaviors are forcing me into) so it's a worthwhile gamble. She told me it might take a month before I would see a change so I wasn't expecting an easy or quick fix or even improvement. But after 3 days of spraying it around (no order discernible by me) on the couch, rugs, all her favorite places including my bed and certain chairs I began to see a tiny improvement. She did the nose touch with Seamus (the one who provoked most of her screams). She also jumped up next to him at the window and I've heard no more screams.
She still has a way to go, but she did let me trim her claws and she purred and followed me around and then lay on the floor for me to rub her belly.I am amazed because even these small steps are so much sooner than I expected . She was sleeping on my bed snuggled up next to me before the Feliway treatment, and that has not changed. But she wouldn't let the boys on the bed. So that hasn't been tested because they are now trained to stay off the bed. The product is supposed to have pheromones in it that relax the cat through a familiar scent. She doesn't like it when I spray it, but I think it's the sound so I do it when she's not in the room. I also bought some Bach flower remedies, but haven't tried them yet. I will keep my readers updated on any future, noticeable changes (should I actually get any readers). I really want my kitties to like each other. They have always been OK with each other until we moved here. That was the first problem, then just as things were improving hurricane Irene hit, and the electricity was off for 5.5 days and I discovered that Princess Chloe is afraid of the dark. That led to screams as soon as the sun went down. I had to sleep with her and leave a flashlight on all night (see earlier posting "Princess Chloe Meets Hurricane Irene" for more details). So her behavior has significantly improved in 3 days. I'm hoping she'll continue to relax, and I won't stop spraying until both cans are empty.
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