So Halloween came and went and preparations were not appreciated by many. I had maybe 6 kids altogether who came in pairs so the doorbell rang maybe 4 times so maybe 8 kids came to the door. With 4 bags of chocolate candies: peanut butter cups and KitKats there was much left over. The kids were nice and polite and I gave them each 2 bars of each type. Then the night was over. I had to put the leftover candy in the freezer to keep from eating it myself. Out of site - out of mind premise. I loved to see the smallest ghosts and goblins, but they're all cute. Even the teens were cute and friendly. There just weren't enough of them. Maybe I got started a little late because we went out for a quick bite before we were ready for the onslaught so we must have missed a few kids. So here I sit, trying to forget about the candy, and wishing I had the money that I spent on it. Maybe Halloween parties are the way to go. At least you can count a certain range in the number of people who show up depending on the number invited and plan accordingly.
I don't remember having a party when I was a kid, but we used to do candy apples, small napkins filled with candy, nuts, raisons and fruit (apples, grapes etc.) We'd tie them up with ribbon and we seemed to enjoy that more than the trick or treat activities. My cousins always got pillow cases filled with all kinds of stuff. At the end of the night they'd open the bags and count everything. They always hauled a load. My sisters and I were too far apart in age to enjoy much of the evening together. But we all seemed to enjoy the little kids even when we were little kids too. Nothing like being 5 years old and thinking a 3 yr old is so adorable and cute and little and silly. A few times I've seen some 7 month old babies dressed up and carried around or pushed in a stroller to each of the houses. Some were smiling and some were scared and crying. I always wanted to hold them, but knew better than to ask for that! I never let my daughter go to a different neighborhood, but you wouldn't believe how many came to mine from other neighborhoods. I thought it was dangerous then and I still think so especially those who were not accompanied by their parents.
In any case I'm glad it's over and done with. Now I can focus on something else like Thanksgiving and Christmas and a visit to Lauren and staying with her for a several weeks. I'm not looking forward to that part, but I'll go and do my best. More about that tomorrow. In the mean time hide the candy.
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