Well my cold seems to be getting better, but I still have the runny nose, headache, and I'm tired. Worked with a friend all day in the house I'm trying to sell. We put up cabinets (new ones of course). We got the top cabinets installed. We will get to the others in a few days I think. In between there are so many things to do. Plus I'm like driving blind. I know nothing about carpentry. My friend tells me that I don't even hold the hammer right - too close to the part that hits the nail, but my aim isn't good and I need the control of the shorter space. I don't think I'm explaining this very well. We don't really speak the same language. I speak female, nurse, mother, he speaks carpenter, trades worker, male. I never know what he's trying to say. He also gets cranky and sarcastic and then I cry. He doesn't like that either, but he can never figure out what's wrong. His tone of voice is always a little nasty or angry and that sets me off too. I have decided that when this project is completed I will never work with him again in this way. I don't like being treated this way. He says he doesn't mean anything by it, but I don't care. I just don't like it and see no need for it. When people work together on a project they should be polite and civil to each other. He says guys aren't like that and I should get over it. I keep telling him in case he didn't notice I'm not a guy. I think men just aren't civilized. I blame their parents who tried to make them be tough little boys and created monsters. They are mean to each other too (men and little boys). Well I suppose I should get off my soap box and calm down. It's not like we hate each other, but we just don't interact the same way. I should learn to ignore him, but I'm not sure I have that much self-control. Something inside me always snaps after enough snippy remarks from him. In the mean time I'm trying to be so tactful when I ask him a question so I won't provoke that response, but it always happens. I think the answer is not to work together. And that is my resolution for future projects.
I hope you all had great Thanksgiving and didn't eat too much. (We pay for that later) Right now I need a small glass of wine, maybe 2.
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