For all the animal lovers.
I have 4 cats, I usually use the word kitty or kitties because it sounds more like what a cat is ie cute, busy, affectionate etc. Cat somehow sounds a bit derogatory as in"just a cat!" There are 3 males and one lonesome female who share my home. One of my male cats, Seamus has developed congestive heart failure and diabetes. A pretty serious problem for a cat. He's now at the vets and they are sort of keeping him because they need to keep an eye on him. They check his blood glucose, give him insulin, and good food and at this point they have not charged me anything, but they will. I miss him, and go to visit him every day. It's fortunate that they are about a mile from my house so I can go back and forth easily. I spend time with him and bring him catnip (which he ignored today), but then I have to leave and go home empty and sad. I want him home, but I also want him to be safe and cared for. I don't know how to bring it all together. The techs in the vet's office check his blood glucose levels periodically during the day before and after the meals. I am so attached to this kitty. He has the best personality of all the cats I've ever had: gentle, affectionate, easy to litter box train, and just plain cute, beautiful really. He's easy going, friendly and never scratches, but I don't have him with me anymore, just liberal visiting priviledges, The cost of the insulin is $350.00 approx for a small vial. I also feel a bit guilty because I might have over fed him which may have led to the diabetes.
It's so easy to spoil them esp. with food. Not so easy to help them lose the extra weight.
Few weeks later, Seamus is home and doing well. I give him insulin injections twice daily. He's very good about it, ie doesn't squirm, or resist, or try to escape and even purrs during the process. I don't think he knows how important it is, just that I've always been very gentle with him and he has in turn been very gentle with anyone with whom he comes in contact including even the veterinarians and sometimes little kids who aren't so gentle. But I'm usually right there to guide the kids to a more gentle activity. I must admit that sometimes I might hug one of my kitties a pinch too tight. But they all seem to tolerate it so it can't be that bad. Sometimes the cats come to me for attention ie hugs,
petting, scratching or food and of course I try everything until they seem satisfied. They are cute and great company. Everyone should have a few cats.

Musings of a retired nurse, mother of one and grandmother of 3. Doing some part time work editing papers and writing stories. I Worked 34 years mostly in L&D and newborn special care, taught childbirth education classes, and worked with the VNA and did home fetal monitoring for high risk patients. I feel privileged to have shared such wonderful and private moments with so many families. I do miss the work that I did, but not the stress I experienced so often.
Famous Seamus

Love that belly
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
Seamus again
I've been visiting my cat Seamus every day, twice most days. I miss him. He is at the vets because he has some serious medical problems ie congestive heart failure and diabetes. He is a sweet, mellow, gentle little kitty and loves being petted and massaged and chin scratched. If you rub too briskly all he dose is bump your hand with his mouth. He's just so sweet, and now I have to leave my home to see him and hold him. It is breaking my heart and I cry every time I leave there. All I keep thinking is how do parents with seriously sick children cope with the worry, sadness, the separation, and scheduling visits. It's all so sad and complicated. When I get home I give some extra attention to the other feline residents. I no longer take their presence for granted. My mother liked cats to some extent, but never wanted to be bothered with caring for them, When we did have some I did most of the feeding and litter box cleaning because I thought it was important and I wanted to be sure they were happy and clean etc. And I'm still that way.
We never had a good place for the litter box in those days, but here I keep them in the basement and clean them several times a day. That's the part that many people don't think about when they are considering a pet. Who will walk the dog, clean up after the cats, feed them when the mom isn't home and for little kids teaching them to be gentle so they avoid serious scratches. It's a tall order that most people either over think or don't think about at all. Got to be a happy medium there some how. At this time in my life I do it all. I live alone with my feline roomies so I am responsible for everything cleaning up after them, remembering to feed them, sleeping with them, and taking them to the doctor. They don't complain too much about that, but they don't like the ride in the car.
Seamus is doing well now, allows me to give him his meds without a fight or scratches and bites. He's a really mellow little guy and great company too - when he's awake. His meds consist of giving him an injection and some pills. He's very good about it. But I still feel sad doing it. I also get a little hyper because I'm afraid I'll forget something or he'll bleed or it'll hurt him. I'm a whimp when it comes to my kitties. I love them and I spoil them. I kiss them, I invite them to sleep on my bed, and they seem to like that. I'm a little neurotic about the whole pet parent thing. But there is nothing like dozing off to the sound of a cat purring as he lies in the crook of an arm. However waking up to loud meows is not quite as pleasant. Fortunately they don't do that much if at all.
I truly believe that life is better with pets, any pets that one enjoys will work.
We never had a good place for the litter box in those days, but here I keep them in the basement and clean them several times a day. That's the part that many people don't think about when they are considering a pet. Who will walk the dog, clean up after the cats, feed them when the mom isn't home and for little kids teaching them to be gentle so they avoid serious scratches. It's a tall order that most people either over think or don't think about at all. Got to be a happy medium there some how. At this time in my life I do it all. I live alone with my feline roomies so I am responsible for everything cleaning up after them, remembering to feed them, sleeping with them, and taking them to the doctor. They don't complain too much about that, but they don't like the ride in the car.
Seamus is doing well now, allows me to give him his meds without a fight or scratches and bites. He's a really mellow little guy and great company too - when he's awake. His meds consist of giving him an injection and some pills. He's very good about it. But I still feel sad doing it. I also get a little hyper because I'm afraid I'll forget something or he'll bleed or it'll hurt him. I'm a whimp when it comes to my kitties. I love them and I spoil them. I kiss them, I invite them to sleep on my bed, and they seem to like that. I'm a little neurotic about the whole pet parent thing. But there is nothing like dozing off to the sound of a cat purring as he lies in the crook of an arm. However waking up to loud meows is not quite as pleasant. Fortunately they don't do that much if at all.
I truly believe that life is better with pets, any pets that one enjoys will work.
Seamus Has Problems
Hello to anyone who reads this blog entry. I hope you'll leave a comment even if it's critical. It's always good to hear the critics and then get on with the blog and maybe make some changes. It's been a busy and worrisome time for me. One of my cats has been diagnosed as diabetic and CHF (congestive heart failure), but the other 3 are not so that makes feeding a little difficult. Right now 3 are sleeping and look pretty sweet and cute, and the diabetic one, Seamus is at the vets waiting for me to pick him up. I miss him when he's gone. Weight loss is hard for anyone, but for me to help my cat lose some weight is near impossible. I guess I'll be giving him insulin injections which can be expensive and tedious. And on that note I must go pick the kitty up because they just called to remind me. This may be continued a bit later.
Later: So Seamus is home and right back to his sleeping schedule. He has been here for several days and I'm giving him the insulin and he just watches with a look of curiosity. He gets the insulin twice a day 5 units and it's expensive. The shot doesn't seem to hurt him although the first one seemed to startle him a bit. I also have 4 different meds in pill form to give him and that sometimes presents a problem. I have to chart the doses just like I did with patients when I was employed as a registered nurse. He clamps his mouth tightly and pulls away, but he never scratches or bites so I guess I can't complain. Of all the cats I've had over 30+ years he's the most gentle and laid-back kitty I have ever known. I think he's about 12 years old now so in cats age that is elderly and having diabetes is not unusual for a cat his age. I hope he'll be with me and feeling good for several more years, but
of course I don't know what will happen as he ages. I may have to make the sad choice when I think he is in pain or unable to eat, etc. I imagine my vets will provide some guidance at that point. Choosing to euthanize a beloved pet is not an easy thing to do, but for me it has to be about his quality of life, and not because I can't afford his medicine or vet bills or because I don't want to
deal with the difficulties etc. One problem is that I can't go away over night, one night maybe, but more requires a sitter who can administer the meds and observe for a negative reaction. So I'm home bound. I don't like traveling much these days so that's not a problem, but it also means that I don't get to see my daughter and grandchildren either. I wonder how things will work out in the next 12 months. I have hope that all will be ok, but experience tells me that if it can go wrong it will. And on that note I'll end this blog note.
Later: So Seamus is home and right back to his sleeping schedule. He has been here for several days and I'm giving him the insulin and he just watches with a look of curiosity. He gets the insulin twice a day 5 units and it's expensive. The shot doesn't seem to hurt him although the first one seemed to startle him a bit. I also have 4 different meds in pill form to give him and that sometimes presents a problem. I have to chart the doses just like I did with patients when I was employed as a registered nurse. He clamps his mouth tightly and pulls away, but he never scratches or bites so I guess I can't complain. Of all the cats I've had over 30+ years he's the most gentle and laid-back kitty I have ever known. I think he's about 12 years old now so in cats age that is elderly and having diabetes is not unusual for a cat his age. I hope he'll be with me and feeling good for several more years, but
of course I don't know what will happen as he ages. I may have to make the sad choice when I think he is in pain or unable to eat, etc. I imagine my vets will provide some guidance at that point. Choosing to euthanize a beloved pet is not an easy thing to do, but for me it has to be about his quality of life, and not because I can't afford his medicine or vet bills or because I don't want to
deal with the difficulties etc. One problem is that I can't go away over night, one night maybe, but more requires a sitter who can administer the meds and observe for a negative reaction. So I'm home bound. I don't like traveling much these days so that's not a problem, but it also means that I don't get to see my daughter and grandchildren either. I wonder how things will work out in the next 12 months. I have hope that all will be ok, but experience tells me that if it can go wrong it will. And on that note I'll end this blog note.
Thanksgiving Musings
Hello friends. Today is the day before Thanksgiving. I woke up thinking it was Thanksgiving, and I was sad, because I will be alone on that day. Of course I'm alone today except for my kitties and will be alone tomorrow. It happens. Sometimes I have too much company, too much noise and I worry about preparing the turkey and other elements of the Thanksgiving holiday. So I am alone today and will be tomorrow. My sister is having her Thanksgiving dinner on Sunday because all of her guests have different times and agendas. She hasn't invited me so I'm not sure if telling me when she would have the dinner is actually an invite or just info. How do I figure that out? If I thought anyone in my family would be reading this blog I'd be worried, but I don't think I need to worry about it. I'm actually not sure anyone reads my writings. I can only wish and pretend. But to anyone who is reading this I wish you a happy Thanksgiving celebrated with many loved ones. I'll just be with my 4 cats. They love me because I feed them, brush them, pet them and sweettalk them. When I've been out for a while and come home I sort of expect to see them all near the door and rubbing into my legs. But that doesn't happen either. They look up at me and as if to say "it's only Linda" then turn away back to their naps or food dishes. But I've learned not to expect much affection from them unless they are hungry or I'm in bed trying to sleep. That's when they seem to come alive. They do purr nicely though and that relaxes me somewhat. It's just that I can't always get them on my bed or in my lap. I guess they have things to do, promises to keep, and miles to go before they sleep. (I think that's from a Robert Frost poem that I love.) Look it up sometime. You will love it too. The cats I'm not so sure about. One kitty has just joined me on the couch as I type this. He's pressed against my lap and taking a mini tongue bath. He's purring loudly and I love that. He looks up once in a while as though to say "What's up doc?" and I pet him and he goes back to sleep. If you don't have a cat this is all pretty weird, but if you have a cat or 2 you understand exactly what I'm saying. Anyway stay safe and have ah happy Thanksgiving.
Only one more thing - if you are traveling today or tomorrow or the next day the traffic is usually awful on these days so stop frequently, and maybe spend an extra day in a motel to let the traffic dissapate. That would be safer and more relaxing.
Only one more thing - if you are traveling today or tomorrow or the next day the traffic is usually awful on these days so stop frequently, and maybe spend an extra day in a motel to let the traffic dissapate. That would be safer and more relaxing.
Thursday, November 3, 2016
My kitty is sick.
My usual scattered thoughts are a bit more scattered over the last 4-5 days I have been very worried about one of my cats. Mr. Seamus (Shea for short) who is very ill. He doesn't know it and seems cheerful and wants to play, but we can't let him. . He is suffering from congestive heart failure, diabetes and more. He's a cute little guy peach with some brown colors, medium length hair (he's in some of the pics at the first page of this blog. His name is Seamus because of his Irish like reddish hair. He's a very sweet kitty never seems irritated, never scratches, never bites, and loves to sleep on my bed or on my stomach in the bed. Right now and for the last 2 weeks it seems like he belongs to the vet's office, he is there so much. They have him tonight and that worries me because I don't know if they have staff at night. It seems to me that they would, but I just don't know it for sure, I hope someone is there. It feels like they have taken him from me. I visit him every day and let him walk all around the office as long as I am with him it's ok. Then when I leave I cry. They are nice to me and good to the animals, but I wonder if I will ever get him back home with me. It's sad not to be able to help him more. I think in the weeks to come I will put some more stories about Seamus and his activities here. He's a beautiful cat, no pedigree, but a wonderful personality. Everyone at the vets seem to like him and they have been very nice to me. Of course I bring all my kitties to them, but only Seamus has medical problems right now. I hope the others remain healthy for a long time. I don't know what the outcome for Seamus will be. This condition will not go away. There is only treatment, but no cure. At some point I may have to make the decision to end his life to avoid any more pain and suffering. That also will be difficult. Sometimes life is hard, really hard.
Friday, October 21, 2016
For the Love of Seamus
It has been some time since I've produced a new blog post. Sometimes life gets in the way of our interests. And just as I started to type, my cat,Chloe jumped on the couch right next to me. She
stared at me for a few minutes and then left. She's a character and very sweet, but easily frightened . I guess she found better things to do and left.
This has been a not so good week for me so far. My kitty Seamus is being held for ransom by my vet. He has been diagnosed with CHF which is congestive heart failure and they are trying to stablize him and save his life as well. I go to visit him at the vets twice a day. He purrs when he sees me and sits near me and lets me hold him for a short time. I usually stay for an hour or more. I miss having him at home. He is the most affectionate kitty, loves to get in my lap and sleeps on the bed with me at night and pushes his head into my hand sometimes for petting. I think his life will be shortened because of this condition, but I don't really know by how much. Indoor cats can live to be 19 to over 20 years old if they are well cared for, but with such a serious condition I just don't know. My 3 other cats have not revealed if they have noticed that he is missing. The people at the vets office are kind and helpful, but I'm not sure what they can do for him. I am keeping him in my prayers and hoping for the best, but I dread the thought of making that life or death decision. I don't know what I'll do if he dies. He's too young to go!!! My next problem will be the bill. Vet care is expensive and most animals don't have health insurance. Credit Cards help but they only delay the inevitable and charge interest. So I'll have to see what I can work out with the doc. I would love to know how other people handle these types of situations. A lot depends on one's age, savings, and other expenses. It is possible to get pet insurance, but it's expensive and I don't have any right now. I do have them microchiped, and registered with the company online, but haven't needed to use that thankfully.
If you are reading this entry and have had a similar situation, I would love to hear how things worked out or how you came to a decision either way. It might help me figure out a solution, or make me feel better to know I am not alone.
stared at me for a few minutes and then left. She's a character and very sweet, but easily frightened . I guess she found better things to do and left.
This has been a not so good week for me so far. My kitty Seamus is being held for ransom by my vet. He has been diagnosed with CHF which is congestive heart failure and they are trying to stablize him and save his life as well. I go to visit him at the vets twice a day. He purrs when he sees me and sits near me and lets me hold him for a short time. I usually stay for an hour or more. I miss having him at home. He is the most affectionate kitty, loves to get in my lap and sleeps on the bed with me at night and pushes his head into my hand sometimes for petting. I think his life will be shortened because of this condition, but I don't really know by how much. Indoor cats can live to be 19 to over 20 years old if they are well cared for, but with such a serious condition I just don't know. My 3 other cats have not revealed if they have noticed that he is missing. The people at the vets office are kind and helpful, but I'm not sure what they can do for him. I am keeping him in my prayers and hoping for the best, but I dread the thought of making that life or death decision. I don't know what I'll do if he dies. He's too young to go!!! My next problem will be the bill. Vet care is expensive and most animals don't have health insurance. Credit Cards help but they only delay the inevitable and charge interest. So I'll have to see what I can work out with the doc. I would love to know how other people handle these types of situations. A lot depends on one's age, savings, and other expenses. It is possible to get pet insurance, but it's expensive and I don't have any right now. I do have them microchiped, and registered with the company online, but haven't needed to use that thankfully.
If you are reading this entry and have had a similar situation, I would love to hear how things worked out or how you came to a decision either way. It might help me figure out a solution, or make me feel better to know I am not alone.
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
They didn't ask me!!!
Today I made a salad for dinner and poured my favorite salad dressing on it. but there was something different, something that I didn't like. It was spicey hot and burned my mouth and tongue. I took out the bottle and looked for a number to call them and complain to them. I couldn't find one on the bottle, but I'll keep looking online. I don't care if they want to make that type of dressing, but at least warn the shoppers who might buy the products. I'm going to either throw the whole thing out or give it to someone who might like hot sauce. The label does say spicy, but I didn't see that until after I tasted it. Other than that word the label is exactly like the regular one that I usually buy. I think the label should be different, a different color and the words spicy hot might help weed out the ones who don't appreciate painful food. Not everyone likes the burn, and Ifall in that category. Now I have to figure out what to do with a bottle of salad dressing that I hate. I guess throw it out or ask my friends if they are interested in some spicey sauce the most likely alternatives. Next time I'll read the label more carefully I guess. A few years ago they changed the formula and there was an organized protest from fans of the regular type. Now here they go again without warning or clear info on the label. They will be sorry!!! I hope. Now I have to figure out what to do with a nearly full bottle of something I don't like at all. How does one take the burn out of a sauce? I'm sure I don't know.
Sunday, September 11, 2016
Been a While
Been a while since I've added something new to this blog. I've been busy with so much stuff I don't know where to begin. So I'll just say I hope I've been missed a little, but I'm thinking maybe all 2 of my readers didn't know I was remiss in my blog entries.
I've been cleaning, running a mile everyday (for exercise and weight control) and taking care of my
kitties esp. the one with some medical problems. I have 4 cats and one has had some medical issues.
He is now diabetic and has congestive heart failure. He's being maintained on meds and seems to be
doing well. He sleeps a lot but still has a wonderful, easy going personality, or should I say catsonality? I have to give him an insulin injection twice daily and force some pills down his little
throat. I hate that part. He always looks at me with such surprise as if he were saying "How could
you???). But he doesn't know he needs these things to keep him alive and functioning. I am an RN
and it's a good thing because my vets didn't offer any instruction on how to administer injections to
a cat, or how to shove pills down his little throat. I bought one of those gadgets to administer the pills the shots are a little easier, but I do feel kind of sad forcing all this medication on him, though I
know that without it he would die a slow a miserable death so that leaves me with 2 choices ie administer the meds or have him put down - which is something I can't even talk about. Just typing the words has brought me to tears. I want him to live much longer. He's just too sweet to lose. He's only about 8 years old. He came to me one day when I was outside hanging laundry to dry. He just walked up to me and rubbed against my legs. It seemed he must have a home to be so at ease with people he didn't even know. I didn't bring him in right away figuring he had to have a home because he was so friendly. I think he may have been less than a year old because of his size. So I brought him inside and he's been with me eversince. I never let him out alone - only with me does he explore. He's good though he stays with me with no leash. He did get out on me once and didn't come back for about 4 hours. I was frantic and told him never again. Don't know if he listened.
Been a while since I've added something new to this blog. I've been busy with so much stuff I don't know where to begin. So I'll just say I hope I've been missed a little, but I'm thinking maybe all 2 of my readers didn't know I was remiss in my blog entries.
I've been cleaning, running a mile everyday (for exercise and weight control) and taking care of my
kitties esp. the one with some medical problems. I have 4 cats and one has had some medical issues.
He is now diabetic and has congestive heart failure. He's being maintained on meds and seems to be
doing well. He sleeps a lot but still has a wonderful, easy going personality, or should I say catsonality? I have to give him an insulin injection twice daily and force some pills down his little
throat. I hate that part. He always looks at me with such surprise as if he were saying "How could
you???). But he doesn't know he needs these things to keep him alive and functioning. I am an RN
and it's a good thing because my vets didn't offer any instruction on how to administer injections to
a cat, or how to shove pills down his little throat. I bought one of those gadgets to administer the pills the shots are a little easier, but I do feel kind of sad forcing all this medication on him, though I
know that without it he would die a slow a miserable death so that leaves me with 2 choices ie administer the meds or have him put down - which is something I can't even talk about. Just typing the words has brought me to tears. I want him to live much longer. He's just too sweet to lose. He's only about 8 years old. He came to me one day when I was outside hanging laundry to dry. He just walked up to me and rubbed against my legs. It seemed he must have a home to be so at ease with people he didn't even know. I didn't bring him in right away figuring he had to have a home because he was so friendly. I think he may have been less than a year old because of his size. So I brought him inside and he's been with me eversince. I never let him out alone - only with me does he explore. He's good though he stays with me with no leash. He did get out on me once and didn't come back for about 4 hours. I was frantic and told him never again. Don't know if he listened.
Wednesday, August 31, 2016
Having Compassion
I sometimes wonder how people feel about their pets. I know there are extremes of love and adoration and also of neglect and abuse just from reading the headlines once in a while. I guess one could say the same about parents and their children. Sadly there is abuse in so many areas from the sneaky, hard to prosecute to the more obvious done in public almost. Animals and small children are not really of the same importance, but certainly sometimes in the same category of victims of abuse,
and even the elderly are subject to abuse, frequently at the hands of the ones who should be protecting them. Then of course there are the animals that are raised for food and often mistreated as well. What is inside someone's heart and mind who abuses a child or an animal that only has a short time to live? I have seen footage of ducks, chickens, etc being abused on their way to being killed for food. I'm not a vegetarian, but I do have compassion for the poor animals who live their lives chained to a post , living in a small spot until they are fat enough to be killed and butchered and sold for consumption. The second issue is the lack of clean facilities. In some cases the poor animals live their entire lives in one spot, standing in their own waste until they are slaughtered. The food and drug admin, or some other agency should insist on a different and better way of handling these poor animals. Yes the meat would cost more, but we really only need small amounts of meat and dairy for our protein source. Vegetables are safer and healthier for humans and only children need milk and maybe the elderly who have trouble chewing some types of food.
Today I brought my sweet kitty to the veterinary clinic which is quite near my home. I had to leave my 10 year old cat (approximately) for testing and observation. He is a diabetic (recently diagnosed) and they will check his blood glucose levels throughout the day and help me care for him with a plan for controlling his diabetes and anything else that come with the diabetes. I know that some children are not treated as well as my cats are (I have 4). That is a sad commentary on Americans who have the best opportunities to improve their lives and their children's and pet's lives, but so often are neglectful and allow terrible things to happen or worse participate in the terrible happenings.
So today hug your children, and your pets and be kind and gentle with both. You will feel better for that. I will feel better when my kitty is back home with me later today.
and even the elderly are subject to abuse, frequently at the hands of the ones who should be protecting them. Then of course there are the animals that are raised for food and often mistreated as well. What is inside someone's heart and mind who abuses a child or an animal that only has a short time to live? I have seen footage of ducks, chickens, etc being abused on their way to being killed for food. I'm not a vegetarian, but I do have compassion for the poor animals who live their lives chained to a post , living in a small spot until they are fat enough to be killed and butchered and sold for consumption. The second issue is the lack of clean facilities. In some cases the poor animals live their entire lives in one spot, standing in their own waste until they are slaughtered. The food and drug admin, or some other agency should insist on a different and better way of handling these poor animals. Yes the meat would cost more, but we really only need small amounts of meat and dairy for our protein source. Vegetables are safer and healthier for humans and only children need milk and maybe the elderly who have trouble chewing some types of food.
Today I brought my sweet kitty to the veterinary clinic which is quite near my home. I had to leave my 10 year old cat (approximately) for testing and observation. He is a diabetic (recently diagnosed) and they will check his blood glucose levels throughout the day and help me care for him with a plan for controlling his diabetes and anything else that come with the diabetes. I know that some children are not treated as well as my cats are (I have 4). That is a sad commentary on Americans who have the best opportunities to improve their lives and their children's and pet's lives, but so often are neglectful and allow terrible things to happen or worse participate in the terrible happenings.
So today hug your children, and your pets and be kind and gentle with both. You will feel better for that. I will feel better when my kitty is back home with me later today.
Having Compassion
I sometimes wonder how people feel about their pets. I know there are extremes of love and adoration and also of neglect and abuse just from reading the headlines once in a while. I guess one could say the same about parents and their children. Sadly there is abuse in so many areas from the sneaky, hard to prosecute to the more obvious done in public almost. Animals and small children are not really of the same importance, but certainly sometimes in the same category of victims of abuse,
and even the elderly are subject to abuse, frequently at the hands of the ones who should be protecting them. Then of course there are the animals that are raised for food and often mistreated as well. What is inside someone's heart and mind who abuses a child or an animal that only has a short time to live? I have seen footage of ducks, chickens, etc being abused on their way to being killed for food. I'm not a vegetarian, but I do have compassion for the poor animals who live their lives chained to a post , living in a small spot until they are fat enough to be killed and butchered and sold for consumption. The second issue is the lack of clean facilities. In some cases the poor animals live their entire lives in one spot, standing in their own waste until they are slaughtered. The food and drug admin, or some other agency should insist on a different and better way of handling these poor animals. Yes the meat would cost more, but we really only need small amounts of meat and dairy for our protein source. Vegetables are safer and healthier for humans and only children need milk and maybe the elderly who have trouble chewing some types of food.
Today I brought my sweet kitty to the veterinary clinic which is quite near my home. I had to leave my 10 year old cat (approximately) for testing and observation. He is a diabetic (recently diagnosed) and they will check his blood glucose levels throughout the day and help me care for him with a plan for controlling his diabetes and anything else that come with the diabetes. I know that some children are not treated as well as my cats are (I have 4). That is a sad commentary on Americans who have the best opportunities to improve their lives and their children's and pet's lives, but so often are neglectful and allow terrible things to happen or worse participate in the terrible happenings.
So today hug your children, and your pets and be kind and gentle with both. You will feel better for that. I will feel better when my kitty is back home with me later today.
and even the elderly are subject to abuse, frequently at the hands of the ones who should be protecting them. Then of course there are the animals that are raised for food and often mistreated as well. What is inside someone's heart and mind who abuses a child or an animal that only has a short time to live? I have seen footage of ducks, chickens, etc being abused on their way to being killed for food. I'm not a vegetarian, but I do have compassion for the poor animals who live their lives chained to a post , living in a small spot until they are fat enough to be killed and butchered and sold for consumption. The second issue is the lack of clean facilities. In some cases the poor animals live their entire lives in one spot, standing in their own waste until they are slaughtered. The food and drug admin, or some other agency should insist on a different and better way of handling these poor animals. Yes the meat would cost more, but we really only need small amounts of meat and dairy for our protein source. Vegetables are safer and healthier for humans and only children need milk and maybe the elderly who have trouble chewing some types of food.
Today I brought my sweet kitty to the veterinary clinic which is quite near my home. I had to leave my 10 year old cat (approximately) for testing and observation. He is a diabetic (recently diagnosed) and they will check his blood glucose levels throughout the day and help me care for him with a plan for controlling his diabetes and anything else that come with the diabetes. I know that some children are not treated as well as my cats are (I have 4). That is a sad commentary on Americans who have the best opportunities to improve their lives and their children's and pet's lives, but so often are neglectful and allow terrible things to happen or worse participate in the terrible happenings.
So today hug your children, and your pets and be kind and gentle with both. You will feel better for that. I will feel better when my kitty is back home with me later today.
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
Cat & Mouse Game
I guess it's about time I got back to writing,. It's been a while due to life's distractions ie home maintenance, flower planting, mouse hunting. Yes that's right "mouse hunting," It seems that when one stores certain appliances, in this case an air conditioner in a shed for the winter (in New England) field mice like to make a nice warm nest there which will protect them from the harsh, cold weather.
So this little critter was quite comfortable I guess when the AC unit was brought into the house and
installed into one of the living room windows, but he woke up and climbed up the curtains. We managed to catch him and put him outside. The weather was nice so I thought he'd be fine.
What I didn't count on is that there were 2 mice in the unit. I discovered that bit of info the next
day when he was walking on my curtain rod above my head (I'm short and couldn't reach up to
the rod to grab him). However the mouse had a better idea (for him). He traveled quickly down the curtain with 4 cats and myself in hot pursuit and managed to escape. I almost had him in my hand
but he was clever and managed to avoid the kitties who sat and watched intently, but did not pursue.
At one point he ran past me and I reached for him, but he was good, never looked back, just kept
moving. I have no idea where he went, but I thought at least one of the cats would catch him
and bring him to me for approval, but no - that didn't happen and now I worry that it will crawl
in my bed or into my food cabinet for crackers. It's now about 4 days since the chase and he's
still in hiding. I fear that at some point I'll open a cabinet or a closet and he'll jump out at me. I
can't believe that he's still lose in the house with 4 cats on duty (mind you they sleep through
their duties most of the time). If the little critter is caught I'll certainly write about the incident
here so you'll have some closure. If I don't find him I might have to move , being careful not to
bring him with me. Any suggestions for catching the critter? Leave them in the comments section. .
However traps can't be used because it might hurt my kitties, and I wouldn't want that. Have-a-heart
traps might work if I can find one. I'm open to any ideas.
8/31/16 Never did find the mouse (dead or alive) and never found parts of him so I'm hoping he got out when we had the basement door opened for some reason. There are lots of sunflower seeds out
there for the birds and squirrels that the mouse might find tasty.
So this little critter was quite comfortable I guess when the AC unit was brought into the house and
installed into one of the living room windows, but he woke up and climbed up the curtains. We managed to catch him and put him outside. The weather was nice so I thought he'd be fine.
What I didn't count on is that there were 2 mice in the unit. I discovered that bit of info the next
day when he was walking on my curtain rod above my head (I'm short and couldn't reach up to
the rod to grab him). However the mouse had a better idea (for him). He traveled quickly down the curtain with 4 cats and myself in hot pursuit and managed to escape. I almost had him in my hand
but he was clever and managed to avoid the kitties who sat and watched intently, but did not pursue.
At one point he ran past me and I reached for him, but he was good, never looked back, just kept
moving. I have no idea where he went, but I thought at least one of the cats would catch him
and bring him to me for approval, but no - that didn't happen and now I worry that it will crawl
in my bed or into my food cabinet for crackers. It's now about 4 days since the chase and he's
still in hiding. I fear that at some point I'll open a cabinet or a closet and he'll jump out at me. I
can't believe that he's still lose in the house with 4 cats on duty (mind you they sleep through
their duties most of the time). If the little critter is caught I'll certainly write about the incident
here so you'll have some closure. If I don't find him I might have to move , being careful not to
bring him with me. Any suggestions for catching the critter? Leave them in the comments section. .
However traps can't be used because it might hurt my kitties, and I wouldn't want that. Have-a-heart
traps might work if I can find one. I'm open to any ideas.
8/31/16 Never did find the mouse (dead or alive) and never found parts of him so I'm hoping he got out when we had the basement door opened for some reason. There are lots of sunflower seeds out
there for the birds and squirrels that the mouse might find tasty.
Sunday, January 3, 2016
Thoughts on Christmas
Christmas is now over, and we should be free of the anxiety related to money woes, shopping needs and the time shortage. But I think there is a sort of post Christmas review of our activities and
and purchases and even the gifts we have received. We give gifts hoping that someone will really
enjoy, if not we don't really want to know that. I don't mind if someone exchanges a gift I have
given. I want him or her to enjoy my gift and if that means exchanging or regifting I think that's
ok, but having said that I must admit that much of my attitude depends on how I find out. I prefer
the person mention it to me rather than kind of hiding that she exchanged it. I think gift cards are
probably the best, but even there one might not like the store where the card is registered. My
credit card company, and several others provide gift cards that are ok for any store that takes the
usual credit cards - Discover card, American Express and Mastercard and Visa all offer the cards
for varying amounts. Loss of the card just as with money causes a headache so consider the recipient's age and sense of responsibility when giving money cards. But for older and more
responsible kids they're ideal. Perhaps this blog entry should have been written during the pre-
Christmas buildup to shopping. Oh well maybe next year. I hope everyone who reads this had a
great Christmas and New Year celebration and most importantly, has a great year to come.
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