Famous Seamus

Famous Seamus
Love that belly

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

My Working Holiday

I haven't blogged in a long time.  I stayed with my daughter's family for almost 3 months ( in divided doses) while she finished her last semester toward her BS in Social Work.  I've missed writing here, but continued writing in my journal.  I was sort of a nanny, cook, chauffeur and at times a referee  (babysitting kids who are far from babies). It was a major change or advernture for me, and I did feel homesick at times.   I learned a lot: for example I know why I only had one child, don't argue with kids - just lay the law down, when all else fails call Mom (their mom) and request further instructions or at least back up and last - never, absolutely never, tell the kids what the plans are for some future activity.  They will drive you to insanity if you let them know stuff like that.  Other things were more simple such as don't let stray cats in the house,  and if you break this rule at least keep an eye on the intruder especially if she knows how to open doors.  That was one smart kitty.  And if the bunny, Penelope (I call her Bun Bun) runs up to you, it's not because you're her favorite---she's hungry because someone forgot to feed her  (probably me).

I learned a few new recipes, but I don't like certain spices and the kids didn't like the ones I liked so we had a few problems trying to please everyone.  I filled up on  a hidden stash of junk food when the meal wasn't exactly to my liking.  Eating out was a pretty good alternative as was occasional pizza.

Sleeping was a problem for me because a few days before I left for her house I hurt my right shoulder.  I didn't have time to see a doctor so I waited until I came back to CT.  I had to tough it out because my insurance wouldn't cover me out of state.  I'm getting ready to change this to another company as soon I'm all healed.  I think it's rotator  cuff injury of some sort and after 9 weeks it has only improved slightly.  Back to sleeping,  The bed I slept in was a water bed and very comfortable.  My neck and shoulder hurt most of the day, but at night it was twice as bad.
Sleeping pills or wine seemed to help a little.

My daughter has quite a group of animals at her home.  From geckos, to cats, bunnies, birds and a tarantula (not my favorite, but I fed her a bug or 2 while there).  Boredom was not a problem although tv was.  You need 3 hands to operate the 3 remotes that control the tv.  I did a lot of reading, which is good for me.

Now she is talking about going to school again to get her master's.  That will be quite a process and quite an achievement - for both of us.  If I win the lottery maybe I can pay someone else to handle all that stuff for me.  That's a big maybe.  I have to think about that.  Don't really see that happening.