Famous Seamus

Famous Seamus
Love that belly

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Been a While


Been a while since I've added something new to this blog.  I've been busy with so much stuff I don't know where to begin.  So I'll just say I hope I've been missed a little, but I'm thinking maybe all 2 of my readers didn't know I was remiss in my blog entries.

I've been cleaning, running a mile everyday (for exercise and weight control) and taking care of my
kitties esp. the one with some medical problems. I have 4 cats and one has had some medical issues.
He is now diabetic and has congestive heart failure.  He's being maintained on meds and seems to be
doing well.  He sleeps a lot but still has a wonderful, easy going personality, or should I say catsonality?  I have to give him an insulin injection twice daily and force some pills down his little
throat.  I hate that part.  He always looks at me with such surprise as if he were saying "How could
you???).  But he doesn't know he needs these things to keep him alive and functioning.  I am an RN
and it's a good thing because my vets didn't offer any instruction on how to administer injections to
a cat, or how to shove pills down his little throat.  I bought one of those gadgets to administer the pills the shots are a little easier, but I do feel kind of sad forcing all this medication on him, though I
know that without it he would die a slow a miserable death so that leaves me with 2 choices ie administer the meds or have him put down - which is something I can't even talk about. Just typing the words has brought me to tears. I want him to live much longer.  He's just too sweet to lose.  He's only about 8 years old.  He came to me one day when I was outside hanging laundry to dry.  He just walked up to me and rubbed against my legs.  It seemed he must have a home to be so at ease with people he didn't even know.  I didn't bring him in right away figuring he had to have a home because he was so friendly.  I think he may have been less than a year old because of his size.  So I brought him inside and he's been with me eversince.  I never let him out alone - only with me does he explore. He's good though he stays with me with no leash.  He did get out on me once and didn't come back for about 4 hours.  I was frantic and told him never again.  Don't know if he listened.