Famous Seamus

Famous Seamus
Love that belly

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Skunks, Hurricanes and Politics

Here I am back at the blog.  It's late and I'm tired and ready to go to sleep.  A skunk just sprayed my yard and with the windows open the atmosphere is not so good.  I looked out and saw him and yelled "bad skunk, no no no"  and he ran under the shed.  I really didn't want to scare him, but I really didn't want to smell skunk spray either.  Maybe it will rain and wash away the spray.

I've also been watching the weather forecasts about Hurricane Isaac.  He's making mischief in FL where my daughter lives.  It's also the site for the Republican convention, but I sort of hope a hurricane hits them.  Not nice, I know, but I get so frustrated with the narrow minded thinking, and their hostility toward women.  They want to control women and have a blast for themselves.  I don't like that and I don't like them.  Ooops can you guess that I'm a liberal??  I think we need some major changes in the way our government works.   For example we should get rid of the electoral college and the idea that one vote can carry a whole state such as FL where they're so incompetent that they can't even count the votes right.   Another change is that the House of  Rep. needs to be watched.  On Sixty Minutes they explained their health program (totally free), their lifetime parking places even if they only serve one term.  And that they have some kind of special pension plan that they receive even if they end up in jail for crimes like taking bribes.  Sure they suffer embarrassment, but the pension eases the pain considerably.  Of course there are more examples, but the point is that as long as the inmates (ie congresssmen) can control stuff like that they have no incentive to do things right.  The senators and the reps. also receive full salary even if they miss more than half of the sessions.  Of course none of this is new, but it does bother me.   I wonder how many people in America actually know that George Bush Jr. lost the popular vote, meaning that more people voted for Al Gore than for Bush, but because of the electoral college he lost the election.  Admittedly that doesn't happen very often, but once is too much in a country that considers itself a democracy where voting is  a sacred privilege and a responsibility.  The reason  for the Electoral College  no longer exists.  It should be eliminated.  The points and the winner take all should only apply to the votes, not to carrying the state.  And if you don't know what this is all about as you read this, you should take the time to study it, online is easiest, but the libraries have the info too.  I hope we can have a fair election this time.

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