Famous Seamus

Famous Seamus
Love that belly

Friday, July 20, 2012

Thoughts on a Tragedy

Sad tonight.  I haven't had much time to write - recovering from minor surgery, still in the process of moving houses and taxes aren't done yet (filed for an extension). But felt the need to write.

 Once again our nation was visited by evil - some might say insanity, or a personality disorder, and that may have an element of truth, but I think evil was the overriding condition.  People who respect life: human and animal don't go around shooting people who have nothing to do with their troubles.  Assault weapons are far too easy to obtain, and apparently to use,  Though I don't imagine the relatives and friends of these victims will be reading my blog I do send healing wishes and prayers their way.  Once again our nation is in mourning over a senseless tragedy.  May God hold them and their families  close and help them heal, and may those who lost their lives find peace and rest in the hereafter.  No one deserves to die at the hands of a maniac.  Nothing they could do to that person would be enough and it wouldn't bring the dead back either.  So in the next few weeks remember the people who are close to you, show them your love, and be grateful for the ones who are still with you, and maybe it will become a habit.  I wish everyone a safe night.


As I was reading the previous entry I realized that I hadn't mentioned a name or location associated with the above entry, but I think it was in response to the shooting at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in  Connecticut. More recently we had bombs (2 at least) explode at the Boston Marathon.  Right now I can't remember the numbers, but  several people were killed, some lost legs or an arm or were badly burned.  I don't remember the numbers, but again innocent people who were challenging themselves to complete the race (I think it's about 26 miles) were killed or seriously injured.  It did seem to bring out the best in the people who were there, even though people were running and screaming, many others stopped to help those who were injured.  The fatalities were less, than Sandy Hook, but it was simply awful, senseless really.  The 2 young men later identified as the perpetrators  were brothers who seemed to like the US at some earlier time, but somewhere along the way became twisted, and I think evil and radicalized during a trip back home to Chechnya. I wonder why, if they hated us that much they didn't just stay in Chechnya.  We wouldn't have objected (we meaning the citizens of the US).  It scares mebecause this type of radical extremism is growing and spreading.   They are angry with Americans and hate us because we don't follow or believe in their religion, though they are free to believe what they wish they don't want anyone else to have that freedom.  It reminds me of the Crusades and the religious persecution during that era.  One can follow the dictates of an oppressive religion and still not believe so what is gained by coercion? I think it's insanity, organized, oppressive insanity.    As I am reading this again I had a different thought about the hatred that is being used to justify that which is unjustifiable. I think they hate us because we have a better life here in America then they have, and so they find ways to disrupt our lives and our peace. They use violence against children, women and even their own relatives at times. Their method is to produce the most deaths and destruction from one assault or simultaneous explosions in different areas (as Sept. 11,2000 showed us. I hope there is a God and that these mass murderers have to answer for what they did and are punished appropriately. I also hope the victims are there to see that.


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