Famous Seamus

Famous Seamus
Love that belly

Saturday, December 7, 2013

I Hate Football

I hate football!! There I've said it.  I don't care who hates me for that comment.  I think football is a brutal sensless endevor masking as a sport.  I suppose it's worthwhile if one has a great football career and makes
enough money to hire caretakers when his brain becomes spongelike and he can't remember his name. I know that as a result of football and other college sports some men (boys really) are able to get athletic scholarships to many colleges.  Which college may depend on how good he is in high school and where his heart is.  When I think honestly about this situation I have to wonder what would I give up to have the perks that come with attending a good college, a scholarship if I'm good enough, and maybe a pro contract if I'm great or lucky or both.  I don't know what I'd do, but I have an aversion to pain (anyone's, not just mine). Almost all the men in my life have been drawn to the game, screaming at the tv, and adoring the players  who score. But the one who has been with me the longest and the last (including father, brother-in-law, ex-husband, father-in -law etc) is not that interested in it.  He understands the rules (I don't) etc. but has no desire to watch it on tv, or even at a stadium.  He thinks that time would be better spent making money.    
Of course pro football and basket ball etc players do make money when they are good or excellent players,
but often it is at the expense of marriages, health, and sometimes even loss of life.  Is it worth it? It wouldn't
be for me, but I guess maybe it might be for some, especially men who think their masculinity is based on
performance in any area.  I guess nursing was a good career for me.  It wasn't too dangerous,  paid fairly
well, and required that I stay alert and meet academic and work certifications requirements.  In short I
had to use my brain, and my body (8-12hr.on my feet) to meet career goals etc.  I didn't get rich, but I
have a decent pension and enough savings to not be too worried about retirement unless we have
runaway inflation, high medical expenses.   But the athletes who abuse their heads and bodies may have
a lot of money, but paying even for the best nursing home at 50-60 years old is not my idea of a good

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