Famous Seamus

Famous Seamus
Love that belly

Monday, January 20, 2014

New Kindle

I bought myself a Kindle just before Christmas so I could read from it on the way to FL.  We left Christmas day for FL and arrived on the 27th.  I really enjoyed the Kindle.  I was even able to download some
books through the wifi in a restaurant. It does make reading very pleasant and effortless.  It holds your page
and is light and easy to hold .  If I had had more money I would have bought the more expensive model with the free 4G for the lifetime of the Kindle.  But this one is great once you get a few books on it.  I found so many I liked with prices anywhere from 0. 99 to  $3 or 4 and up.  I love short stories and books about
cats.  I was able to find many of them.  I bought the paper-white model and love it.  The battery is good
for days without recharging and doesn't use battery power when it's closed (as my cell phone does).
I think the other brands such as the Nook etc are about the same.   My grandchildren have Nooks
and they love them too.  I have a nook app on my laptop and find it nice to use as well.  And though
I'm not traveling right now (until next year) I'm still using the Kindle everyday.  Another plus is that
I can remove the books that I have read from my device and Amazon will keep it stored on their site
pretty much forever or as long as I'm alive.

I think that using a Kindle or Nook would be a good way to encourage children and teens to read. If
they find it enjoyable, they'll use it more and won't have a lot of books hanging around the house.
Of course my grandchildren still like to go to the library to get books, and I like the atmosphere of the
library to read and pass time. I wonder if the library will ever have a lending library of electronic
books.  That would be neat.

According to my significant person my local library does have the set up to lend books for Kindle and Nooks.  I'm not quite sure how it works, but I think I'll look it up and find out.  In the meantime remember books or gift certificates for books are great gifts for almost everyone.   Older folks might like the size
adjustment ability for the screenprint.  And I should point out that Amazon is not paying me to promote
the Kindle.

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