Famous Seamus

Famous Seamus
Love that belly

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Earth Quake

So the news says we've had an earthquake.  Here in New England - CT to be more specific there was a small rumble, but I didn't notice anything.  As a lover of thunder and lightening storms I like to think that I'd be pretty calm about a small earth quake, but I'm not so sure about that.  Earth quakes are different from storms in many ways, but the main difference that I see is that we seldom get any warning about an earth quake and if we did where would we go?  According to the news reports the east coast has large plates of solid bedrock so an earth quake in the east will most certainly be felt throughout many states as it was yesterday.  There is no where to go.  It does make for interesting news coverage though.  All the news programs and the lighter ones like Inside Edition and Entertainment Tonight had coverage and personal stories of the encounter.  Of course Nightline had coverage as well but that is a little more serious. I would guess that anyone living near a nuclear power plant would be very concerned.  But  since there is little one can do to escape, prevent or prepare for an earth quake, worrying seems a bit useless.  I like the stories about the animals who seemed to know something was happening just before it hit.  Did they try to save their people no just tried to make a getaway.  Maybe they are smarter than we are.

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