Famous Seamus

Famous Seamus
Love that belly

Monday, August 4, 2014

Let It Snow

Talk  about rain for 40 days and 40 nights, it feels like we've had 40 snowstorms: fluffy snow, heavy wet rain and snow, and more fluffy snow and even some rain.  Will it ever end?  It certainly is making my impending move to FL a lot more appealing.  My body hurts from shoveling and I didn't even do that much.  Larry used
the snowblower and did most of it.  I cleaned the vehicles and did a fair amount of shoveling the stairs, the areas where the sb doesn't fit etc.  It is still snowing as I'm writing this and TC is still meowing to go out. I tried to tell him it was too cold and wet, but he was determined.  But I didn't give in.  One of us has to have
and use some common sense and I guess that I am the one.   I feel sorry for all the little animals like squirrels and birds that are out in all this stuff.  It's hard for them to find food and shelter.  I spent today( and a few other days when it snowed) running outside with sunflower seeds and peanuts for the birds and squirrels.  They come to door and bang on it and the birds come up to the door and sit on the rails. I give them the peanuts and they prefer the shells be removed first (the squirrels seem to like the shells better).  I get
great joy and fun from  giving them the seeds and peanuts and other leftovers.  My concern is who will feed them when I'm in FL?  Even the birds seem to trust me they ignore me when I'm under the bird feeder, and just this week I had an exciting experience.  I saw a little bird in my shed banging against the windows trying to get out.  I quickly put shoes on and a sweater and rescued him.  He was a bit afraid of me, but I was able to pick him up and put him outside.  Now I check the shed every day just to make sure no birds are stuck in there.  It was a tiny bird, smaller than the palm of my hand.  It was also
an exciting experience for me, not so sure about the bird's appreciation of the experience though.

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