Famous Seamus

Famous Seamus
Love that belly

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

For The Animal Lovers

For all the animal lovers.

I have 4 cats,  I usually use the word kitty or kitties because it sounds more like what a cat is ie cute, busy, affectionate etc.  Cat somehow sounds a bit derogatory as in"just a cat!"  There are 3 males and one lonesome female who share my home.  One of my male cats, Seamus has developed congestive heart failure and diabetes. A pretty serious problem for a cat.  He's now at the vets and they are sort of keeping him because they need to keep an eye on him.  They check his blood glucose, give him insulin, and good food and at this point they have not charged me  anything, but they will.  I miss him, and go to visit him every day. It's fortunate that they are about a mile from my house so I can go back and forth easily. I spend time with him and bring him catnip (which he ignored today), but then I have to leave and go home empty and sad.  I want him home, but I also want him to be safe and cared for.  I don't know how to bring it all together.  The techs in the vet's office check his blood glucose levels periodically during the day before and after the meals.  I am so attached to this kitty.  He has the best personality of all the cats I've ever had: gentle, affectionate, easy to litter box train, and just plain cute, beautiful really. He's easy going, friendly and never scratches, but I don't have him with me anymore, just liberal visiting priviledges,  The cost of the insulin is $350.00 approx for a small vial. I also feel a bit guilty because I might have over fed him which may have led to the diabetes.
It's so easy to spoil them esp. with food.  Not so easy to help them lose the extra weight.

Few weeks later, Seamus is home and doing well.  I give him insulin injections twice daily.  He's very good about it, ie doesn't squirm, or resist, or try to escape and even purrs during the process.  I don't think he knows how important it is, just that I've always been very gentle with him and he has in turn  been very gentle with anyone with whom he comes in contact  including even the veterinarians and sometimes little kids who  aren't so gentle.  But I'm usually right there to guide the kids to a more gentle activity.   I must admit that sometimes I might hug one of my kitties a pinch too tight. But they all seem to tolerate it so it can't be that bad.  Sometimes the cats come to me for attention ie hugs,
petting, scratching or food and of course I try everything until they seem satisfied.  They are cute and great company.  Everyone should have a few cats.

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