Famous Seamus

Famous Seamus
Love that belly

Friday, October 18, 2013

Taxes, kitties and more.

Still behind in my taxes, but a new kitty has been hanging around my yard and in my house.  He's provided hours of distraction.  I've also been working in my yard trimming trees (the areas that I can reach of course) because they are growing through the fence.  I look at it as exercise of a sort.  I've been pulling weeds, and dumping all the stuff over the fence (it's an unpopulated area between my house and the school next door.  My neighbor uses it the same way. No garbage of course, just weeds and branches that I cut. I used to hate that sort of work, but now I find it a pleasant distraction from things like vacuuming, cooking and laundry or taxes.  Of course they all have to be done eventually so it's really like a game of chess or checkers.  One move here, 2 moves there. One task done, one waiting.  Retiring and getting older doesn't really change one's
responsibilities.  There are still plenty of things that need to be done, but I can delay and juggle a little more than when I was working full time at the hospital. I also have more distractions: cats, magazines, computer time, books,  walks, music fest in town, writing group, and senior day on Wednesday at one of the local restaurants (we get a discount for being old) and my blog of course. That part is OK, but the patronizing smiles could be eliminated. And as I finish this entry my taxes are completed and mailed off to the gov.  No refund for me this year instead a big check, 2 really one for the state and one for the feds were sent. No senior discount that I could find.

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