Famous Seamus

Famous Seamus
Love that belly

Monday, June 15, 2015

Saying Goodbye

Still in FL, but getting ready for my escape.  It's been good visiting my daughter and family, but it is
now time to get going.  FL is vacation land, and vacations must end at some point.  That point is nearing and I'm making plans and packing etc.  I do have some sadness about leaving.  I wish my daughter lived closer to me, but she hates the cold and though I'm not fond of the winter in New England, I am also not appreciative of the summers in FL.  So midway through June is way too hot for me.  So I guess it will stay this way until I die or find I can't cope by myself, but that will be
a long time from now I hope.

The aging process is deceiving and difficult to predict when it will humble one.  Most Americans
grow up wanting to be independent, self-sufficient and resist admitting to needing help.  I'm no
different it seems, and that is the part of aging I dread.  I have been a saver all my life so I'm hoping I'll have enough money to pay people to do the things that I can't.  For now I'm fine, but the future
looms depressingly close.  Though my qualifications for giving advice are minimal,  I would like
to encourage everyone over 40 to begin planning for the times when one will be needing some assistance  - just for housekeeping and snow removal or rides to certain appointments and being
alone as in the surviving spouse.  Sometimes family is all that is needed and at other times paid
help will need to be considered.  So I hope this entry will encourage everyone to start thinking and planning for ones senior years.

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