Famous Seamus

Famous Seamus
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Saturday, September 10, 2011

Sad Movie, True Movie

I'm sitting here in my living room watching a sad movie.  It's Flight 93 on A&E network.  It would be sad even if it were not a true story.  It is true at least the basic facts.  No one really knows the whole story and details of course, but what we do know is that no one survived. An unusual mix of very brave, smart, heroic, and simply good people ended their days together on an airplane and prevented a much worse ending somewhere else.  It still makes me cry to see or hear the stories from Sept 11, 2000.  I still don't understand how such an act can be committed in the name of God or religion.  I'm sure I never will.  Since that time so many more people have died in the wars that followed that day.  Do they really think they have achieved something good? Only a very sick and twisted mind would believe that.

 I never really believed in the existence of devils, but the events of that day have made me reconsider. Certainly there was evil at work that day.  People always say "may God have mercy on their souls" about people and groups that commit horrendous crimes and acts of cruelty, but I'll leave that up to God when it comes to the perpetrators of those terrible events that day.  Instead I pray "May God have compassion for the victims and survivors and help them build new lives."

I hope the victims and their families and friends will meet each other in the afterlife. I believe they will. And if there is a Heaven I don't believe that the people who commit atrocities like the Sept 11 events will be there in Heaven.

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